New Grower CBD Auto-grow Journal v1.02


"grow them out to their Optimum life cycle" - which means?? Remember I am a noob!
You want your calyxes to be swollen up as fat as they can be with the pistils dying back Brown nearly to the calyx themselves. I myself don't bother to look at the trichomes so much anymore. I just watch for the swollen calluses and the pistils dying back as well as most autos will stop or slow drinking as they get towards the end.
Day 10
One of the two seeds has been lagging, or should I say, failing to take root. The Blue Mystic seed has really not even displayed it tap-root. What was protruding from the seed seems sort of mutated and had yet to produce a root. Although I am keeping it in the coir, I am going to plant another seed.

As the days and nights begin to warm up, I am having less trouble maintaining a minimum temperature.

Temp/Humidity Goal:
Temp(Deg F): 74 - 80
Humidity(%): 65 - 72.5


Day 10
One of the two seeds has been lagging, or should I say, failing to take root. The Blue Mystic seed has really not even displayed it tap-root. What was protruding from the seed seems sort of mutated and had yet to produce a root. Although I am keeping it in the coir, I am going to plant another seed.

As the days and nights begin to warm up, I am having less trouble maintaining a minimum temperature.

Temp/Humidity Goal:
Temp(Deg F): 74 - 80
Humidity(%): 65 - 72.5

View attachment 886189

All Good stuff. Keep up the good work.
You want your calyxes to be swollen up as fat as they can be with the pistils dying back Brown nearly to the calyx themselves. I myself don't bother to look at the trichomes so much anymore. I just watch for the swollen calluses and the pistils dying back as well as most autos will stop or slow drinking as they get towards the end.
My crops got better after I got a good lupe and started harvesting when the trichomes on the majority of the calyx were about 20% amber not the trichomes on the leaves. I was harvesting too early just by looking at the dried pistils. I tried handheld usb microscopes but it is just too difficult to get a good focus even my heartbeat would screw it up.

My crops got better after I got a good lupe and started harvesting when the trichomes on the majority of the calyx were about 20% amber not the trichomes on the leaves. I was harvesting too early just by looking at the dried pistils. I tried handheld usb microscopes but it is just too difficult to get a good focus even my heartbeat would screw it up.

A "good lupe" ...for example? !

Well, I finally have a couple if seedlings looking normal.
was planning to add Myco Maximum nutrients/bacterium to my coco today but was shocked when I saw the expiration date on the jar. 11/2015!
Bought it at Amazon just a week ago. I might use it if it were just nutrients, but the bacterium may not be doing too well.Will have to return this and get a replacement! This should never have been shipped to me.

Well, I finally have a couple if seedlings looking normal.
was planning to add Myco Maximum nutrients/bacterium to my coco today but was shocked when I saw the expiration date on the jar. 11/2015!
Bought it at Amazon just a week ago. I might use it if it were just nutrients, but the bacterium may not be doing too well.Will have to return this and get a replacement! This should never have been shipped to me.

That sucks! I closed my Amazon account because of that kind of crap.
Well, I finally have a couple if seedlings looking normal.
was planning to add Myco Maximum nutrients/bacterium to my coco today but was shocked when I saw the expiration date on the jar. 11/2015!
Bought it at Amazon just a week ago. I might use it if it were just nutrients, but the bacterium may not be doing too well.Will have to return this and get a replacement! This should never have been shipped to me.

I would wait and contact Humboldt about the shelf life. Some of those things can remain viable for a long time even exposed in the environment.