Live Stoner Chat Caregiver (aka, Mrs. Muddy!)

Welcome Mrs Muddy.With you on the forum the old man will have to watch his step and not pick on me so much or he will have to answer to you.I'm sure you will have fun here and maybe learn a little or teach a little along the way.Again,it's nice to have you on board.:smokebuds:
Thanks namvet! I am already having a blast on here.... I think the 'picking on' goes both ways:dance2: but if it gets too much, let me know! :lol: Thanks for the welcome!!
Thanks everyone for giving the Mrs. such a warm welcome. She was up before me today and as I was trying to fix my coffee, the gums started flapping. She was reading me all of your wonderful responses and her joy and enthusiasm was very obvious. She was hesitant to join, not wanting to interfere with "my thing". She has circulation problems in her legs and I've been telling her of all the wonderful work Mossy has been doing in that regard. She had dozens of questions, and in all honesty, I've been so busy with other duties I haven't been able to keep up with Mossy's work, so couldn't answer them for her. So I encouraged her to join and see for herself. It didn't take her long to see what a wonderful family we have here and she's thrilled to now be a part.
Better watch yourself, with Nelson gone you could become my new number one target! :D

Welcome Mrs Muddy.With you on the forum the old man will have to watch his step and not pick on me so much or he will have to answer to you.I'm sure you will have fun here and maybe learn a little or teach a little along the way.Again,it's nice to have you on board.:smokebuds:
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We knew some really great woman had to be in the background keeping Muddy in line!
So glad to see a husband & wife team on AFN. There are only a couple of them.
a BIG HIGH and welcome Mrs Muddy, very nice to have you join us.:peace:

did she ever get to try red betty?
Never tried the red betty....have tried the bad betty. White serious helps a lot with my pain...but my favorite all time 'git 'er done' is Jack Matic.....