Live Stoner Chat Caregiver (aka, Mrs. Muddy!)

Welcome to AFN Caregiver, it is great to have both you and Muddy here :bow:

Stunted Hello
Welcome to AFN, caregiver.:smokebuds:as you already know this is a very tight family. Enjoy what alot of us call a second home.:hug:
Welcome to the family Caregiver!


Looking forward to your contributions to the forum!
It sounds like you are coming in very prepared!!!

Holy crap, no way! This is most definitely epic in my book. It would take a thread all by itself to tell you how much and why I love Mr. Waters! :lol: He is one of my main men, and I always send regards to you and the dogs. :D

SO dang glad to have ya, and please please let me know if you need anything. I'll sweep ya out from up under Muddy's feet! :crying:
Take care you. :D
What a pleasant surprise!! Welcome to AFN! :jump:
Welcome Caregiver :smokebuds:
Quick hurry up put away the bongs, porn, and booze bottles.... Mrs.M is in da house...

Big Welcome...:bow:


GREAT to have ya here! Welcome...maybe one day my wife will be as enthusiastic. ATM, she's is tired about hearing about any of my plants lol.
Hi Caregiver, Mrs.

And you used the word "prattle", nice!

My and my other half "Root 66" are always prowlin' around here. She is some kinda canna-congerer or something with the oils, and salves. Works like magic on me.

Advice from whomever is solid and when freely given is a blessing, thank you for the offer.

And back at ya.

Welcome to AFN

bye for now,
