Outdoor Captcold's Think Big Outdoor 2017

Jan 3, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Early Miss, Thai
Hello all.

I grew out some autos last year for the first time, and had pretty good success. This time around, I wanted to hunt down some strong genetics, start 'em indoors, then move them out in late May to catch the most of the big bulb in the sky.

Enter Dutch Passion.

I've enjoyed their genetics in Amsterdam, and excited to see how they grow. Being at 50 north, we can get pretty long days into late July. Had some issues with bud rot last year, looking to avoid this time around. I'm gonna be posting pics all the way along, updating weekly on Sundays.

Looking to sprout those beans around 4/20 (natch) under 420hps, and move them outside. Hoping for big yields of quality bud. Prolly gonna use a combo of 5gal containers and in the ground, organic nutes, my own soil mix, and see what'll come.

Hope you'll join in - good advice is always good :)


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And it begins!

Just unpacked the light I used last year, the NanoTech T5 from Sunblaster. I'd used an aquarium light for years, and it worked great until plants were ready to go under something bigger. But, it crapped out on me and my local hydro store suggested this one. Pretty much same price as a new full spec bulb, so...

Just had to build a handy stand for it - and while it might look like Homer's spice rack....it is stable, and the cats haven't cut themselves :crying:

Gonna mix my soil this upcoming week!
Another Dutch based grower here.... @blowyourmind whereabouts are you, north, south, east or west?

I've been growing plenty TB's, and although it ain't particularly smelly, beware when you move them outdoors, they'll be noticeable downwind..... Lol

I would love to grow outside, even scouted for some guerilla sites, but here in Eastern Nederland close to the German border there is absolutely nowhere where I would be confident to some degree that the plants would still be there come harvest time......whole place is awash in joggers, dog walkers, nature lovers and that kind of nosey folks that's out and about ..... Lol
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