Outdoor Captcold's Mephisto Outdoor Grow - 2018

The AvT and L&C are coming along well. Beans saw paper towels on April 1, so we're only a week into the dirt.

AvT's are the large ones, they seem to want to grow fast. The smallest ones are the last couple of DP Think Bigs I had from last year, just popped them a couple of days ago.

Small change up this year, I'd picked up a deal I couldn't say no to, and got a couple of MARS that were one gen back. I'm germinating some 200 pepper plants for outdoors this year. Sighted a 5,000 gal rain barrel (many thanks to trailanimal for his encouragement during installation :thumbsup:) last fall, I should have good irrigation, no matter what mother nature brings.

Got an auto or two yet to go. I'm really hoping to get a few Deep Blue C's up and running shortly. Curious to see how Mephisto genetics do under the big bulb in the sky....

The AvT and L&C are coming along well. Beans saw paper towels on April 1, so we're only a week into the dirt.

AvT's are the large ones, they seem to want to grow fast. The smallest ones are the last couple of DP Think Bigs I had from last year, just popped them a couple of days ago.

Small change up this year, I'd picked up a deal I couldn't say no to, and got a couple of MARS that were one gen back. I'm germinating some 200 pepper plants for outdoors this year. Sighted a 5,000 gal rain barrel (many thanks to trailanimal for his encouragement during installation :thumbsup:) last fall, I should have good irrigation, no matter what mother nature brings.

Got an auto or two yet to go. I'm really hoping to get a few Deep Blue C's up and running shortly. Curious to see how Mephisto genetics do under the big bulb in the sky....

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hell of a rain barrel, I'm curious too
Mephistos are going like gangbusters under the 420W HPS, but, they also got out for 3 hours yesterday under the big bulb in the sky. Proper. Growth is aggressive on them, esp compared to the Think Big's I have in parallel. Interesting genetics. I'm very interested in ultimate size.

The two large ones furthest away are AvT, the closest are Livers and Cheese.

The DP TB are the small ones, about a week or so behind. The rest are pepper plants :thumbsup:

The Livers are the faster growing of the two strains, looking 2-3 days ahead of the AvT's. Size wise, they're about the same except for one AvT that's seems to be lagging. Moved it into prime light spot for a day or two, and maybe see if it kicks into gear.