Harvest & Curing CannaZone product testing of Trim Bin by Harvest-More

Okay peeps, I got my Trim Bin last night. Shipping box was in great shape.
First glance...so far so good.

Components. Seems pretty durable. It came with a scissor scrubber, brush, bag & stickers!



The scissor scrubber is pretty nifty. I will be filling this with everclear to clean my fiskars and reclaim what was cleaned, at a later date, when I make cocenntrated oil.

The brush, I'm interested to see how effective it will be. I suspect kief will stick to the plastic tray a bit, making it difficult to effectively sweep up, with a soft bristled brush. I hope to be proven wrong.

Unfortunately, I won't be able to officially test this for another week or so. Aaaand, sadly, I have no trim to run through it. Well, not that sadly...I have lots of edibles.

Overall, my first impression is very positive and I look forward to the opportunity in taking this for a spin. Thank you AFN and a big thanks to Harvest More, for what seems to be a great product.
Another plant chopped and man it was a breeze with this trim bin.. this was a big plant and my arms did not get tired at all.. I love this product .

The picture of the limb is the bottom branch of this plant
What's up dudes didn't know there was a thread on this I have been using a trim bin for some time now when I got mine I didn't get a screen and what not just a bin haha but after my last purple hulk run from 350g of trim I got about 56g of kief out of it, and that's only after 2 long shake downs I don't wanna get it all off because I use it for edibles to ;)

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Ok so here are my totals

19.1 grams of grape crinkle keif

5.3 grams of illuminauto [HASHTAG]#6[/HASHTAG] keif

88.7 grams of misc keif.. just ran it all dry no freezing it is more then enough to last a long time.. this bin pays for itself in keif alone