That moment when you realize your Black Friday order was for Photo Gluberry! DOH!

That'll teach me to go online when I've just woken up and not had any coffee and get carried away because it is Black friday and I have to order before they run out of stock!
Ah well I just ordered some Auto Glueberry and the Black Friday deal is still on.
However this time I am getting 7 free seeds plus the 3 Auto Glueberry and I used my loyalty points so £16.40 for 10 seeds is even better than I got yesterday.
The photo Glueberry only took 24 hrs to deliver!! I tried to track the order but the seeds arrived before any tracking details were available!!
I'm liking the new dutch Passion tin, it certainly beats the polystyrene/styrofoam beads you used to get in the paper packets.


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Hello AFN! Headed into week 2 for this gal and all is headed in the right direction. Have a little ph swing going on, but I am on it and she is doing nicely. 72*F in the tent and feeding Canna start at 12ml./gallon and she is taking it just fine with the roots excelurator, cal/mag, jump start and 3 different types of mycos. I'll be headed to the hardware store tomorrow to pick up a small step stool to place the rez on and will be ready to fire the autopot system up in a few weeks. Looking forward to what the future holds for this gal. On to a few pics...
These two are growing great quickest start iv had it could be these awsome genetics or my soil coco mix With added ECO THRIVE and mykos

The one with the double taproot is on the left and is alot bigger
and here's the other
Temps are at 29 lights on
21 lights off

Little tip for anyone in the same process as me. I'm growing under the Amare SE250 now. And a DIY COB. I started with t5 and CFL..... then a 600 Mh/HPS .... then a blurple mars.....then a blirple platinum... now the cobs. All good cannabis lighting.... some better than others 1

Here's what I'm getting at. Each time I upgraded my feed fell behind. I used to run straight water for 10 days then start @.5ml/L

The growth I see now and If I start late I get Def fast I HAVE TO. be aggressive. I now start day 5 with .to every other day and 1ml/L of the AN feed schedule.... but I'm not getting leaf curl like I expected ... I'm getting growth...

This is a very exciting time for growers the lighting options out there are vast and they are a tremendous part of what you do to be successful... hopefully I can dial it in a little more this run but it's been a learning process so far