Little change up this week..... ill be running a new feed schedule and this glueberry is my test subject.... here is the new feed incorporating in green planet nutrients

Day 1 to day 5= plain water bubbled 24 hrs

Day 5 to day 20 = 1ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / Vodoo Juice / B52 / Rhino Skin

Day 20 to day 30 = 2ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B / cal/mag (Demeters Destiny - GO cal- mag (each) 1ml/L - B52 / Rhino Skin / Sensizyme / Liquid W-8

Day 30 to day 35 = ) 2ml/L - Sensi Grow A and B cal/mag (Demeters Destiny - GO cal- mag (each) 1ml/L - Voodoo Juice / Rhino Skin / Liquid W-8

Day 35 to day 40 = 1.5ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B 2ml/L - cal/mag (Demeters Destiny - GO cal- mag (each) / Massive 1ml/L - Voodoo Juice / Liquid W-8 / Rhino Skin .5ml/L - Mammoth P

Day 40 to day 45 = 1.5ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B 2ml/L - cal/mag (Demeters Destiny - GO cal- mag (each) / Massive 1ml/L - B52 / Sensizyme / Liquid W-8 .5ml/L - Mammoth P

Day 45 to day 60 = 1.5ml/L - Sensi Bloom A and B 2ml/L - cal/mag (Demeters Destiny - GO cal- mag (each) / Massive 1ml/L - B52 / Liquid W-8 / Mammoth P / Finisher

Day 60 til finish = 2ml/L Herculean Harvest
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Silicon increases the availability of Nitrogen to the plant as its application (in soil) will reduce the loss of Nitrogen to Ammonia (a naturally occurring process in soil). Nitrogen is key in the vegetative stage of plant development as it promotes healthy new foliage growth.

Put simply, plant cell walls are like brick walls in a house. When Silicon is taken in by the plant, it is used like cement in a brick wall. So the walls are built quicker and stronger.

Once the ‘cement’ is in place, it cannot be transported elsewhere within the plant, so it’s important to continue to add Silicon throughout the entire growth cycle. This will ensure that all new growth in the plant benefits from the effects.

-dude grows-
1. Silicon promotes faster growth

Silicon can help to improve the cell development of cannabis by speeding up the production of cell walls. It is used to build a framework for cells out of silica and cellulose - these frameworks are also being produced when silicon is not specifically added, but it's way faster when the plant has access to sufficient amounts of it. It acts as cement for the cells, which results in an overall boost in performance.

2. The uptake of macro and micro nutrients can be improved by silicon

Silicon naturally increases the amount of available nitrogen and reduces the loss of it to Ammonia. This is a very good thing. Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients for cannabis plants, especially in the vegetation stage. Furthermore, silicon is thought to balance the uptake of several other nutrients. It can increase the uptake of Zinc, for example.

3. Silicon can help to protect plants from metal toxicities

Silicon can help to protect plants from Aluminium, Manganese and Iron toxicities. If the concentration of these essential elements becomes too high, there is a good chance that metal toxicity will stress the plant and lower final yields and quality. Silicon competes against these metals in your nutrient solution, helping prevent them from becoming too abundant.

4. Increased silicon uptake leads to stronger plants and robust cells

This is a pretty big argument for the use of silicon supplements. When giving your plants the chance to increase the amount of silicon within its cells, you will see a difference within the whole structure of the plant.

Your cannabis plants will look healthier, having thicker stems and stronger side branches. Together with a good air circulation, which also strengthens the plant's cell structure, there is a pretty good chance to grow magnificent looking cannabis.

Thicker stems are also beneficial for the nutrient flow. A bigger, stronger plant means more nutrition can be moved around more efficiently, which in turn, helps boost growth further.

5. Silicon can increase the resilience to pests and disease

There is nothing worse in the life of every passionate cannabis grower than a pest infestation threatening their harvest. Spraying plants with pesticides and fungicides is a big no-no, especially if you grow organic. Silicon can be a great alternative and works in multiple ways:

The outer skin of the plant toughens up due to high levels of Silicon in the cell walls. This means insects and pathogens have to be far more aggressive to penetrate through the strong and healthy outer skin of the plant.

Cannabis can also use silicon to create anti-fungal defences, helping prevent infection from the many dangers out there, including powdery mildew.

6. Final argument: Silicon leads to higher yields

Strong and healthy plants, with thick stems and solid side branches, which also have the resilience to defeat the challenges of nature, are very likely to yield high amounts of bud.

To argue why high yields are nice to have seems unnecessary. Silicon also influences final yields by promoting a rather dark green colour in the leaves. This can be ideal for the process of photosynthesis, the motor of healthy plant growth.

How can I apply silicon supplements to my regular feeding regime?

If you are thinking about trying silicon supplements, and want to do some tests in your own home-growing environment, then you will be pleased to know it is pretty easy. Silicon based plant supplements are easy to pick up online, and can be integrated into a regular feeding schedule.
From everything i have researched on silica it can be if anything cut out mid to late flower. But is essential for building the plants structure during the veg and early flower when autos are still forminf rapidly

I am actually trying to save as much money possible on my feed schedule without cutting ot anything i feel is key to happy healthy high yielding cannabis plants. Every product in the feed has been extensively researched and hopefully utilized correctly lol....
From everything i have researched on silica it can be if anything cut out mid to late flower. But is essential for building the plants structure during the veg and early flower when autos are still forminf rapidly

I am actually trying to save as much money possible on my feed schedule without cutting ot anything i feel is key to happy healthy high yielding cannabis plants. Every product in the feed has been extensively researched and hopefully utilized correctly lol....

I use Rhino Skin from week 4 till 6 usually and frankly will likely get rid of it when my current supply of it runs out. I mean I like a bottle with this cool rhino wearing construction hat, but silica itself is dirt cheap and I'm fine with AN's 500% margins on every nutrient, but here it's close to 2000%.

I'm slacking on nutrient reading lately but I follow this basic formula:
1) Weeks 0-2 All about dat roots
2) Weeks 3-4 All about dat N
3) Weeks 4-whatever All about dat PK.
4) Cal+mag is better in excess all the way (never ever had I seen a problem with overfeeding Cal or Mg)

Everything else which has virtually no NPK I just add for the fun of it and placebo value. Point is I've also researched silica and found it beneficial at a time. I mean if a bottle of Rhino gives a 0.1% boost in yield/per plant it's worth to me money wise. But most of my buddies don't use silica at all and in terms of GPW I really can't see a difference. In the end I find Light and genetics are responsible for 70% of yields. Financially I think even a light (cfl in this case) which is worth same as Rhino skin will be more productive.

This looks a bit like I'm shitting on silica. Nope, just on AN's price policy :smoking:
DAY 25

Floramicro 2 ml
Florabloom 2 ml
Ph was 6.2 And the above was added too 2x 2 litre and they took the lot with no run off.
So I added an extra 1 litre of spring water ph to 6.5 each and got a little runoff.




Aggie 23inch
Kim 22 inch
@qwezdan1 i agree with you 100% on AN price points... see how most of my schedule is being converted? When i run out of rhino sking ill be going to armor si.... they have a higher guranteed silica at 10% and its way cheaper. I also agree that lighting is a huge factor. But heres where im at.i have all the other elements dialed in. Environmemnt. Lights soil everything is where i want it. Growing under amare panel. Thats when the smaller things like silica that by all means are not required can be benifivial and pay for them selves. The 1 liter bottke of armor si is 15 bucks. A liter will last 6 to 8 plants or so. So basically if over 6 to 8 plants i can up my harvest by at least 2 grams. The bottle paid for itsself