NEWS CannaCon 2019, Seattle, WA

It was a concentrates kind of week last week, holy bones!
Trip Day 1 (One day before the actual Expo)

Got to the airport and ran into @briman and @wwwillie . I had met Briman last year so I knew what he looked like, and I've seen many pictures of Wwwillie in his hat, so he stuck out like a sore thumb haha! After our meet and greet (Briman may have tried to grab a handful of butt cheek during an awkward hug,) we took off to Kush 21, the dispensary closest to the airport! Our cab driver at the time had some trouble finding the place, then realized she literally lived across the street from where it was (oh man, do we have ever have "dumb cab driver" stories from this trip.) We told her to keep the meter running and we'd just be a few minutes (hehehe.)

I'm not sure if CannaCon just decided to not advertise this year, but the dispensary didn't even know the expo was happening. There were no specials, no deals, and the owners son was completely caught off guard when we told him what we were in town for. It was a bit mind boggling actually. It was quite the store though, product on two full walls, wall to wall. Being in Colorado, we're allowed to put our buds in jars (they call it "deli style") where you can see the buds, smell the buds, have a budtender handle them with gloves to show you, etc. Here, everything is prepackaged. How it was packaged up at the time is how you get it. It really does lose some momentum and fun if not being able to really see/smell the flower product (plus you have no idea what you're getting.)

One thing I did notice though on their labeling was that they are starting to list terpene profiles and show more cannabinoids than just THC/CBD. That's totally a step in the right direction and hopefully we see more companies getting away from the THC-heavy marketing that's gone on for so long.

We took our large haul out of the store and our cab driver told us she didn't know if we were ever coming back! :rofl: With no hesitation, candies were ripped open and 30 mg of THC were consumed while we made our way into the city to our hotel.

I have to give props to @wwwillie on the hotel choice. King suite, pull out bed, private balcony with a view. Shit, if you guys had let me choose, we would have Motel 6'd this beast! :rofl:


Briman brought one of the coolest devices I've seen in awhile. Grav Labs firing button!
Shortly after getting into the room and unloading (and taking some fresh dab rips,) we got a message from @FullDuplex that we could make the 4:15 ferry across the water to meet up with him to go see Blacksmith Farms, a tier 3 producer in Washington that he is now the breeder for (and where we were going to see what autoflowers look like grown commercially!)

But first... beers!


I don't think that serves any real function. I've lived in houses that had plumbing like this I think.


Oh Seattle. Tug after my India Pale Ale fueled heart strings.

He didn't want his face posted in pictures so I said "no worries buddy, I got you!"


Alright, beers down and now it's time to hit this 4:15 ferry!


But shit! We took too long drinking beers!

As the long, long line of people start lining up, finally someone saw we three jackasses and told us we needed to get a ticket and get in line. Holy lurdy, it was like trying to talk dad into programming a VCR watching @briman try to get that machine to spit out a ticket. It finally spit out and he looks at me and says "good luck with that thing." Seconds later I'm holding my ticket. :rofl:

The ferry ride was awesome, quite the sight to see. And fast, holy shit. That thing CRUISED on the water, that was not a slow ride at all.




We got out to Blacksmith Farms and it was night time. Honestly we weren't really sure if we could take any pictures and we were three strangers in someone's rather large grow operation, so we erred on the side of caution (and just wanting to be polite) and... unfortunately didn't grab any pictures of the farm. The good news is, I know the guy that works there wink wink. So he'll get some nice pics of what we all saw and looked at. It was a great experience though, I was able to talk to the owner of the farm at some great length about the state of the industry in Washington, what happened with the oversaturation of cultivation licenses they gave out, and how tough it is to actually make money in cannabis (which is no lie I'm finding out.)

Big shout out and thank you to the crew at Blacksmith for having us and letting three really stoned guys bumble around the farm and look at the operation!

We were wrecked by the time it was time to go back, still all on day 1 of getting there and most of us got up at 2-3 am in the morning. Took the late ferry back (was nearly empty, this thing was so massive I heard they had a bar that served beer in it during the daytime.) The AFN staff, snoozin' on the bay.



Waking just in time to see the city line on the water. Epic.

On our second day (the first actual day of CannaCon,) we decided to say fuck it and not go to CannaCon, but instead get shit tons of beer, eat lots of food, consume copious amounts of THC and man, not even the entire Greek pantheon of gods could have pulled @briman away from the multi-game arcade machine that hotel had in their game room.



Epic day.


Seriously, hours were killed on this thing.

So on Saturday we went to find an old online friend of @sonofhobbes for some beers and food. After which he buddy treated us to an hour at this intense arcade. It was cool and quite intense.

LAN room or PC room

Random balcony shot, it’s like five floors of this stuff.

The convention center was cool

What cool city, what a great evening to wind up our trip.