Indoor Candy Kush Scrog

DAY 7 - WEEK 1

so a quick update... not much to report other than they are still alive and well! Temperature stable at 29°-30° as long as i leave the tent open, which isn't too muchof a problem and humidity hovering around 60%. Both still looking almost identical at around 3", they stretched quite a bit so the supports i put in were definately a good call! Probably going to give them their first proper watering tomorrow.. I'm not looking forward to all the mess with the airpots, I'll probably water very slowly over an evening to minimise it.... I think thats all for now, bbg wil get the chop tonight (well whats left of her) but that's for another thread. Here's how they're looking at 7 days:

Thanks everyone! Take it easy now

:Sharing One:
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Hey bro I think you will do well with the Fish Mix if you are using molasses. I'm pretty sure that's about what Bio-Grow is, smells and looks the same anyway (I'd like to say taste but I havn't gone that far.....yet) so Fish Mix with molasses seems like a good combo. I might pick some up give it a try myself.


edit: reading about it just now, sounds like you use it in conjunction with grow, but on the Nutrient Schedule it says replace it..hmmm
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I've done a little research and thee seems to be a few ways to use the fish-mix, I think i will alternate my feeds between the grow and the fish that way they get the best of both worlds! Might have to wait a week or so before i get it as i need to pay a pretty hefty gas/electic bill soon lol. I'll need a plug in air freshener too as the last thing i want is for my bedroom to stink of fish! Haha! Thanks for the input dazed :)
DAY 8 - WEEK 2

well they've survived a whole week and they're looking alright! 3rd set of leaves coming out now and starting to pick up the pace. Didn't end up watering yesterday but I'm going to get them this evening with a mild feed. Still too hot in there but there's 3 fans moving air about and i have the tent open at all times which is the best i cn do atm haha! Here's a pic:


I found airpots are quite good at holding my thermometer toohaha! Looks much tidyer in the tent now the last bbgs gone...
:Sharing One:
So, I was wandering through the beautiful hills of AFN, and look what I stumbled upon; a Candy Kush Scrog grow, courtesy of Dreadlow! How in the hell I missed the start of it, I don't know, but it's cool, cuz I'm subbed now! Looking good, Dread! You're gonna fill that screen up for sure!
Looking great Dread. I know it's very British to complain about the weather, but when is this heat going to stop!