Indoor Candy Kush Scrog

They look nice and healthy bro :) I think they woulda showed bad signs by now if they were bothered.

Thanks bro, i think you're right. Once again i woke up this morning expecting them to be fried to a crisp, but there they are sat in 32° and seeming to be loving it! If anything they are growing faster than my last girls!

Sweet little babies, Dread. Stay diligent with your ice bottles and circulation and you should be good. Being in the northern hemisphere, the temperature outside should be dropping soon as winter nears... then the temperature will be a little e more weed friendly. Keep the circulation going and the humidity up and they'll be ok.

A light breeze over the wee ones, in combination with pot rotation will strengthen the stems.
Big Green Grow Karma on the way! :karma Cloud:
:Sharing One::peace:

Thanks noods! Yeah they have 3 fans going in the tent so there is PLENTY of air movement and i'm rotating the pots everyday.. 20l of wet soil is pretty heavy hehe! The ice bottles are definately helping, and they help keep the humidity up too. I've got a drip tray under the bottles to catch the condensation too so thats keeping humidity up too. It's bloody nerve-racking but I'm hopefull that they're going to be fine! Thanks for the karma, and i don't think i have ever looked forward to summer ending so much!

Nice to see your on your way again Dread. I can't believe it's still so warm here in the UK. I mean it's almost October!
Be interested to see how you get on with the fish mix, if you get some. My local hydro shop only had the grow so that's the way I went.

Hey gman! Yeah im definately going to order some, i had a look and it is dirt cheap! Only slight concern is the smell as i grow in my bedroom but im sure it's nothing my air filter and maybe a plug-in air freshener can't handle! Do you just literally substitute them ml for ml every other watering or is it more/less concentrated?
Just working my way through your journal, just got to the part where the blue kush got eaten by a dog... real sorry to hear that, animals (and children for that matter) can be such a pain in the ass, all you can do is laugh it off!
:stylez rasta smoke:
I've read different things about it. Some say it's a direct substitute for the grow, others you alternate the two. Have you read through the biobizz thread in the organic section?
The biobizz knowledge base? Yeah I've gone through it a few times, it's an absolute goldmine of info! Saw plenty on alg-a-mic etc, but i didn't see anything on fish mix.... unless i missed it?

Thanks skyhigh, good to see you :stylez rasta smoke:hope you're doing well!
WEEK 1 - DAY 5
Hey everyone! Not a whole lot has changed in the last couple of days but i thought I'd throw up a quick update and some pics as i have added some support for them which I've bodged together with kebab skewers and pipe cleaners.. they stretched a bit more during lights off and I'm a firm believer in 'better safe than sorry'
Temps still 28°- 32° during lights on but it really doesn't seem to bother them.. humidity is 60-65%. Pots still have plenty of moisture in them but I've been giving each plant about a single shots worth of water everyday just to be safe, as it is extra warm in there. Heres what they look like this afternoon:

So, everything seems to be going well thus far! I'm going to order some fishmix sometime this week and then alternate between that and the biogrow.. that seems to me the best way for me to use it.. as long as i can deal with the smell that is!

Hope everyone's having a good monday, get the week off to a good start!

:Sharing One:
lookin good dread:Hookah:
you will love the fishmix mate it reat stuff subbed for the lon haul
Look'n good bro! They are coming along nice!

lookin good dread:Hookah:

you will love the fishmix mate it reat stuff subbed for the lon haul

Looking great dread.

Thanks for the support guys, i really appreciate it! Hope you're all enjoying your evening... I've just tucked into a test joint of thebubblegum now it's had a bit of a cure..... definately chopped too soon (classic rookie mistake haha!) but it's still tasting fantastic "pher Wiggle"