New Grower Canadijuana's first Grow, 4x4 tent, Critical + 2.0, Moby Dick XXL, Samsung F strips

Glad the cal mag seems to have helped, looking good!

It certainly did! Also, still figuring out the mechanics of this forum and just noticed you gifted me some REP for my DIY light! Thanks so much for the kind words/advice/encouragement!!

Looking great man. I'm looking into buying a kit of strips myself. Would 4 be enough in 80x80?

Thanks! I'd definitely recommend them for anyone comfortable going that route. They seem to be very hard to beat... Efficient, bright as hell, modular, reliable, passively cooled... I'm not going to pretend I know how to grow properly with them yet (or have experience with anything else), but I'm very impressed so far... I don't think I've read a single negative thing about them.

From my research, 4x F562B's might leave you a bit short on wattage for that space.
I found this website very helpful during my build/planning, and it seems to be in-line with general recommendations found elsewhere.

I'd probably try and squeeze 8x strips into that space, to ensure light won't be a bottleneck... I don't think that'd be overkill, but, they're dimmable, better to have too much capacity than not enough. I tried to go with less strips at first, then decided on going with more... and wasted a lot of time re-designing and rewiring. If initial investment of that many strips is cost prohibitive (it was for me) you could consider building your frame for 8 strips, but only install 4, spaced evenly across the 8 spots, then add another 4 strips and a second driver a month or two later as the plants start to flower... spread out the cost and minimize rework.

These opinions come from someone who's experience/knowledge of electronics and electrical far surpasses that of their growing experience/knowledge. Let me know if your told differently elsewhere, and which route you end up going!

Good luck!
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It certainly did! Also, still figuring out the mechanics of this forum and just noticed you gifted me some REP for my DIY light! Thanks so much for the kind words/advice/encouragement!!

Thanks! I'd definitely recommend them for anyone comfortable going that route. They seem to be very hard to beat... Efficient, bright as hell, modular, reliable, passively cooled... I'm not going to pretend I know how to grow properly with them yet (or have experience with anything else), but I'm very impressed so far... I don't think I've read a single negative thing about them.

From my research, 4x F562B's might leave you a bit short on wattage for that space.
I found this website very helpful during my build/planning, and it seems to be in-line with general recommendations found elsewhere.

I'd probably try and squeeze 8x strips into that space, to ensure light won't be a bottleneck... I don't think that'd be overkill, but, they're dimmable, better to have too much capacity than not enough. I tried to go with less strips at first, then decided on going with more... and wasted a lot of time re-designing and rewiring. If initial investment of that many strips is cost prohibitive (it was for me) you could consider building your frame for 8 strips, but only install 4, spaced evenly across the 8 spots, then add another 4 strips and a second driver a month or two later as the plants start to flower... spread out the cost and minimize rework.

These opinions come from someone who's experience/knowledge of electronics and electrical far surpasses that of their growing experience/knowledge! Let me know if your told differently elsewhere, and which route you end up going!

Good luck!
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, definitely some interesting factors. I wont be changing tent size any time soon.

This is the build:

4x H inFlux L06 strips 3000K - 352 LM301b diodes
1x Meanwell HLG 185h - 24A driver (type B driver also possible)
4x heatsink
1x frame system
10m kabel
2x Wago connector 5-port
AC connector
AC 230v stik
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, definitely some interesting factors. I wont be changing tent size any time soon.
This is the build:
4x H inFlux L06 strips 3000K - 352 LM301b diodes
1x Meanwell HLG 185h - 24A driver (type B driver also possible)
Your welcome,
definitely still learning myself though! My understanding is the LM301B's are slightly more efficient, and have slightly more output than the LM561C's, something like 15%?
Even with the newer diodes you might want to add another strip or two maybe... I imagine you'd still do quite well with 4, but who knows how much you'd be leaving on the table.
Build looks good! To be honest I didn't know about the H inFlux strips when I build mine so I couldn't even consider it.
My understanding is you can push those strips pretty hard too... (1.6A) but I'm not sure how efficient they are at that point, or how hot they get.
Just finished tying the ladies down!


Day 33 (end of week 4) for the 4x in the back left corner.
Day 24 for the 3x along the right side of tent (front to back is Critical + 2.0, White Widow XXL, and Northern Lights.)
Growth has exploded.
Flowering has started, smells starting to get much more intense, had to attach the carbon filter to the exhaust pipe, what a difference.
I'm finding some deficiencies, yellowing leaves/rust spots on numerous plants, but also nute burn on my tips. haven't checked run off ph yet (and to be honest I haven't been checking input PH much yet either...) definitely things I'm going to start doing more.
using RO, feeding 1ml per litre of AN sensi bloom AB, Calmag, and now Nirvana.

still can't get a good feel for how much to water. I know I've been told 10-20% runoff? but it just seems like it's overwatered before it even starts to seep out the bottom of the pots... They droop pretty good after a watering. Using Promix BX as medium, (pretty sure that was a mistake)... should have picked HP, or maybe gone organic... don't think I want to try coco yet.
