New Grower Canadijuana's first Grow, 4x4 tent, Critical + 2.0, Moby Dick XXL, Samsung F strips

Here's a Full Tent Shot! Only thing I'm missing (I think) is a beefy inline fan and carbon scrubber, got a 6" with speed controller on the way.... also some proper sized drip saucers.
Probably a few too many ladies in the tent right now, I plan on gifting or culling a few soon.



Day 15 Great White Shark
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Another Photo Update! The bigger plants (17 day olds) are definitely starting to take off... They seem to be LOVING all that extra light... But, I think it was a bit much for the plants that were started 2 weeks later (8 day olds). They just didn't seem to be growing. I had the driver pot turned to 100%, but had the light at like 36 inches... It was probably still a bit too intense? Yesterday I dimmed it a lot, I think I'm already seeing positive results on the seedlings.... although the bigger plants are 'praying' quite a bit now, it's so much that I'm not sure it's a good thing?
Here are close ups of of every player in the tent right now. Fed the older ones once with 1ml/litre of Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A&B.
I think one of my NL's is starting to show deficiency --calmag?
Should I just gradually raise the intensity of the light a bit each day?


17 days

17 days

17 days -- I think this one is starting to show a deficiency already?


8 days

8 days

8 days

8 days
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I've found using LEDs (I have 3500k COBs) makes my plants really hungry for cal-mag and I have to give them some pretty much from the start. You might want to consider it?
I've found using LEDs (I have 3500k COBs) makes my plants really hungry for cal-mag and I have to give them some pretty much from the start. You might want to consider it?

I've heard that as well, thank you for the suggestion! I've got a bottle of calimagic on its way, should be on my porch monday. right now they're being fed 1ml/ltr of sensibloom AB... which has some CA/MAG in it...Wonder if I should I up that dosage a bit instead of adding calimagic first
I've heard that as well, thank you for the suggestion! I've got a bottle of calimagic on its way, should be on my porch monday. right now they're being fed 1ml/ltr of sensibloom AB... which has some CA/MAG in it...Wonder if I should I up that dosage a bit instead of adding calimagic first
I am not an expert by any means, but I would add the cal-mag instead of upping the nutes overall. You don't want to overdo the N at this early stage because once they're burned from that I've found it's hard to get them back to being happy.
Another photo Update! Day 20 and Day 11, respectively. Huge difference in the last 3 days for the older plants... They're really taking off... thinking about doing a little LST later this afternoon... got some pot elevators showing up this week too



Day 20




Day 20 -- Displaying cal-mag deficiency? bottle of calimagic will be here tomorrow


Day 20 -- The Runt! thinking about culling this one or giving it away to make room for a better pheno.


Day 11


Day 11


Day 11 -- noticing a bit of discolouration on the lower leaves here?


Day 11
Grow update pictures coming soon, things are getting bushy!

Here's a quick sneak peek into my next project -- 10 Ton Rosin press, DIY style! All in, this thing is going to cost around $360CAD! Almost have all the parts now, just waiting on the cartridge heaters, which might take awhile.


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Photo Update!

Big changes for the Day 25's LST'd them and fed them, turned up the intensity of the light a bit, and they went crazy.
Plan on doing some more LST this weekend to pull down/apart the new growth and spread out the bush a bit!



Day 25


Day 25 -- showing some nute burn at the tips... I assume this means to back off a bit? feeding 1ml/litre sensibloom AB and now 1ml/liter of calmag as well.


Day 25 -- this is the one that was showing deficiency initially. seems the calmag definitely helped!


Day 25 -- bit of a runt, haven't LST'd this yet


Day 16


Day 16


Day 16 -- this one is a sad state of affairs! not sure whats up... havent done anything to it that I haven't to the others...


Day 16


DAY 1! -- these all just broke soil while I was at work -- need to get some domes on em!
some new additions! free feminized photos -- White Kush and Timewarp Kush. I'm playing with the idea of vegging these until the autos are done then putting them into flower. might run out of space.
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