Absolutely. From what I understand, the chemical bonding of the ammonia and chlorine raises the pH considerably. If you're in an area where your tap water is over 8, there's a good chance that chloramine is present. Mine runs around 8.2 out of the tap. After adding the treatment and allowing the chemicals to bubble out overnight, my pH settles at ~7.5. The process is supposed to work in a matter of minutes, but I prefer to let it bubble for 12-24 hours just in case.
The usage info on the Amquel Plus that I have is 1 tsp per 10 gallons of water. So I fill a 5 gallon bucket with fresh water and then treat it with .5 tsp and bubble it with an airstone. It's much easier to do this and then fill my jugs from the bucket rather than dealing with one gallon at a time and trying to be precise down to a fraction of a milliliter.
man you guys are life savors!! i have been useing that grunge city water after the township MADE EVERY ONE that had a well go to city. b.s i no. jersey sucks like that. but uhm i think ill be makeing that call to find out for sure.
ive looked at airpots and seen what they can do and i am very impressed with some of the yeilds i saw. their unique design is their secret to sucsess and i would like to know is there a way to produce these yourself ???/
So I've been thinking more and I remember somebody saying that they line milk crates with landscape fabric and its equivalent to 8 gallons or so. That's probably easier than sewing and all that jazz
I have seen those air pot's in my local grow shop, but because I use hydro my self never got interested about them. Until now. I read this thread and got some ideas how to make my ebb and flood even better and how to make easy transplant air pot for my guerilla seedlings. Thank's for inspiration.
Here's one of my design's for easy transplant DIY air pot.
I run out the cones so I'm just post this now for you guys to get an idea about it and get it finish later.
What do you think, will it work or am I wasting my time on this? Is it possible to roots to get to much air on this one?
If so then I'm thinking that adding a layer of landscape fabric would do the trick.
Purple Rain, for the cost of 4 euros each to buy the original 6 liter airpots I think it's not worth it to make your own, which will probably not do the job as good, even if you have the materials for free and lots of spare time Anyway, I tried to do some on my own with that green net. Sewing it was the toughest part :smoke:
Idea on this one is easy transplant. It is not sewed. I just poke few cones through overlapping mosquito net on the ends. So its easy to just peal off when transplanted. But if air pots are that cheap I,m just gona buy bunch of those and cut em half and duct tape em back together. And you are right it's not worth of the time spent, but when I start something I like to finish it. So I'm going to try this and compare to same size air pot from grow shop.
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