DIY can you make an air pot???

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i use the green biobags found at grocery and hardware stores for reuse
i used to use black landscape fabric in milk crates as well they held around a fiver depending on how high you mound it but i liked to leave so it wouldn't drain over the edge
they dry fairly quicklyw/ good air flow and dry more evenly than in a conventional bucket i lined the outside of crates w/ foil insulation to decrease the air movement a bit and lower the root zone temps alittle
but they work well
i like the bags because they come w/ handles already for guerilla planting and can be planted dir into the ground but they lack the ridgidity of a bucket so you will get some root movement if chicken wire isn't used
cheap and work great for air flow and proper moisture distribution to limit overwattering
Watch out for off gassing if you use PVC. pvc has been known to give off toxic gasses under grow lights and poison plants.
sry didnt read all the thread but if u put pipes down tru ur pot with holes in them would that work. if u put a stop at the bottom of the pipes u could even use them to water aswell :peace: and good karma sj
ive looked at airpots and seen what they can do and i am very impressed with some of the yeilds i saw. their unique design is their secret to sucsess and i would like to know is there a way to produce these yourself ???/

I found this picture and I think I'm goin to make planters for indoor use based on this design. I'm thinking this will work the same basic way as an airpot. I would just have to build it where I'm planning on growing cause it might be pretty heavy or build a base and give it wheels
just an idea from new member, if its the cone shapes that make air pots what they are, then try heating small spots with a heatgun and stabing them with nails, can be done inside or outside, use bigger nails for bigger hols or even a sharp stick, just make sure the plastic cools b4 removing. i do not intend trying this myself, but would luv to know if it works.
Perhaps one might use a washing basket or waste paper basket lined with flyscreen or weedmatting fabric to make a pot?



Watch out for off gassing if you use PVC. pvc has been known to give off toxic gasses under grow lights and poison plants.

I've seen them safely utilized by covering them with mylar to block dangerous photochemical reactions and reflect light back towards the plants. Worked a treat, no reason you can't replicate those results.
Some years ago there was a spate of problems with cheap grow tents off-gassing and killing plants...was one of those Chinese incidents of substituting the wrong tent material with no care as to the results...
If re-purposing stuff as pots is always best to use a uv-stabilized product made for outdoors use if you can...

I have made my own air pots out of plastic mesh called gutter guard and lined them with 10oz hessian (burlap)
they cost £6 for the mesh and hessian and i made 6 they are realy good im thinking about making some 10inch high 10inch wide
for my toms
atb nudd
i made mesh pots years ago ..they are so easy and cheap but work on the same principle as an airpot ..but ive added pieces of oasis into the soil this time this seems to help with rooting ,plenty of air and water held in that stuff .