i use the green biobags found at grocery and hardware stores for reuse
i used to use black landscape fabric in milk crates as well they held around a fiver depending on how high you mound it but i liked to leave so it wouldn't drain over the edge
they dry fairly quicklyw/ good air flow and dry more evenly than in a conventional bucket i lined the outside of crates w/ foil insulation to decrease the air movement a bit and lower the root zone temps alittle
but they work well
i like the bags because they come w/ handles already for guerilla planting and can be planted dir into the ground but they lack the ridgidity of a bucket so you will get some root movement if chicken wire isn't used
cheap and work great for air flow and proper moisture distribution to limit overwattering
i used to use black landscape fabric in milk crates as well they held around a fiver depending on how high you mound it but i liked to leave so it wouldn't drain over the edge
they dry fairly quicklyw/ good air flow and dry more evenly than in a conventional bucket i lined the outside of crates w/ foil insulation to decrease the air movement a bit and lower the root zone temps alittle
but they work well
i like the bags because they come w/ handles already for guerilla planting and can be planted dir into the ground but they lack the ridgidity of a bucket so you will get some root movement if chicken wire isn't used
cheap and work great for air flow and proper moisture distribution to limit overwattering