All this talk about the breeders. How about some responsibility of the grower and their expectations?
Unless you are growing in the same soil with the same lighting, nutrients, altitude and so many other variables, how can you expect to get the same results as the breeder? Why do your tomatoes grow different from your next door neighbors?
An issue I do have is why can't I buy a pack of seeds and have them all grow the same? But then, why do you have brown hair and your sister has blonde? Why do some twins look completely different? These are living things and not some manufactured widget. Seems to me, that about the only way to accomplish this is to buy clones that you know come from the same mom.
I do believe one of the major reasons for some breeders to do grow shows and such here is to see how their strains work under different conditions.
I saw on an episode of Growing Exposed, one big player saying how they were introducing a "pheno hunt" and customers would pay more for the "privilege" of being involved in it.