Indoor Calling All Experts!!! Need advice for Snow Ryder.

hey west sry to hear about your grandmother bro losing a loved one is always hard
Thank you all for your condolences. I really appreciate it. I should have been more clear on the pics... But, my brain wasn't working right last night. Those were pics of 3 different plants. Today It's more defined. Definitely 2 males and one female so far. The one female clearly has pistils (I'll get pics up in a few hours) the other two def. males. More clusters of balls today. I hate to kill them but I'm not comfortable just pollinating a branch. Never done that before and I don't want to screw up things. And you're not guaranteed fem seeds that way right? So my girl and me are pretty sure we're just gonna chop 'em and buy some fem seeds from Attitude (never tried them. Want Mondello's Autoberry so may be ordering from too!!!) and have a go at them. and tonight the last 4 snow ryders are going to the paper towel! Hopefully get a couple more females.

Thanks again you guys for the support and kind words. Means a lot at this time. Get some pics up later tonight. OH! and I'm gonna start to mix the first nute cuz now I got pistils showing it's time to use nutes correct?? I'm happy to just have one female at this point and looks like I might have two so that will definitely work!
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Hey all,
Been busy since the last post. Got more pics of the sex organs of the current plants. Decided to chop the males so I did already. Gonna transplant the current ones soon as possible since the males I chopped looked like they were ready for a bigger home. Mixed a gallon of nutes for the first feeding tomorrow or Sun. for the ones that are showing. I'm pretty positive I got one more male. The 6th plant seem like it quit growing. The other plants are starting their 6th node and that one's just starting it's 5th. So I'm not sure what sex that is yet. Got 4 more Snow Ryders germinating tonight. O.K. here's the pics...

MALE-1.jpg This I believe is a male. Thanks again DWolf420 for your help in helping me identify these plants!
PISTILS-1.jpg These I believe are ovaries. They look just like the one that is showing pistils sticking out of it. The last bunch of pics are of the one that has pistils and the one I hope will show pistils here soon. Tonight sometime we hope!
PISTILS-2.jpg It's a bit blurry sorry. But I do believe that's a pistil stickin' out of the ovary on the right side. It's gotten really LONG in the last 12 hours!
PISTILS-3.jpg This is of the other plant that hasn't shown pistils but I'm hoping these are ovaries in the picture.
PISTILS-4.jpg Same plant as above just this one was taken under the HPS.
PISTILS-5.jpg Another shot of the pistil from the only one I'm sure is female.
PISTILS-6.jpg PISTILS-7.jpg Pistils?

Thanks again for all your help guys.
So it turns out we got 3 females! So, ended up 50/50. Already pulled the males. So, I got a light regiment question... I'm currently on 18/6 which I was told would do well. However, I noticed everyone uses 20/4. Will this effect our yield? Can I change their schedule to 20/4 without any effect on the plant? Please let me know. Thanks guys! Getting ready to transplant and fed them their first watering with nutes.
you should be ok to run up to 20 without shocking them I would think... 20/4 is just a hair more light... and a little more time to continue mitosis (cell division) which will likely yield a little desner or bigger or both buds.... I run 20/4 indoor always.... seems to work really well!

congrats on your male / female ratio... that means you didnt burn them !!! :)
Thanks JM! Well our one female is stunted pretty bad. She's only starting her 4th node and the other two are on their 6th. BUT as crazy as it sounds she has two small pistils stickin' up off the top of her in the new growth (node) starting! I was amazed! I'll get pics up here in a few mins. I just fed them about an hour ago and it seems to me that the first two to three nodes the outer edges of the leaves are curling upward. Is this bad? I used a quarter of teaspoon of each nute, I hope I didn't burn them again! Going to go reprogram my timer now to 20/4! Get pics up here in a few. Got the other 4 SR germin' as we speak so I'm hoping to get them in the dirt tomorrow sometime.
I hate to kill them but I'm not comfortable just pollinating a branch. Never done that before and I don't want to screw up things. And you're not guaranteed fem seeds that way right? So my girl and me are pretty sure we're just gonna chop 'em and buy some fem seeds from Attitude (never tried them. Want Mondello's Autoberry so may be ordering from too!!!) and have a go at them. and tonight the last 4 snow ryders are going to the paper towel! Hopefully get a couple more females.

Thanks again you guys for the support and kind words. Means a lot at this time. Get some pics up later tonight. OH! and I'm gonna start to mix the first nute cuz now I got pistils showing it's time to use nutes correct?? I'm happy to just have one female at this point and looks like I might have two so that will definitely work!
pollination isnt hard man... heres a link:

and for clarification... that Auto Berry I grew.... *stitch* bred it... just didnt want any confusion or miscrediting the wrong breeder... cheers mate!

yup... time to start nutes... dont overdue it first round go light and see how they are in 2 or 3 days...
I also need to study up on Pollinating. I hated killing the males, would have liked to get some seeds but I was gonna by fem seeds. Dr. Autoflower says he doesn't recommend Fem Seeds because they turn hermie and stunt easily... Have any of you had this problem? I'm assuming all you masters just pollinate unless you want a new strain no? I saw TBM I believe recommend NiceNEasy's way to pollinate... Would this be a good starting place to go to begin my research?

---------- Post added at 11:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 PM ----------

Haha! You answered my question before I asked it lol Thanks for the links! Going to go check them out. Yeah I noticed I messed up in other threads or misspoke in them I should say. I knew *Stitch* was the breeder I just spaced out on the website. Sorry for that and thanks for clarifying!
looks like we missed each other in the posting.. see above links...

and I'd agree with Dr A on the fems... 2 years to stabilize a femmed strain bak out... on your scale... not worth your time IMO... :peace:
Just watched your vid on pollinating. Yeah that looks easy enough for sure. Just curious as to the best way to collect the pollen. And how do you do it? You gotta keep the male away from the females tho right? So how would I get my first batch of pollen without ruining the whole crop? You recommend a vid for that? Didn't see it in your list of vids. Forgive me if I missed it... I just decided that If I get any males in the next 4 SR beans (I'm sure I will) I'm going to try to make more SR seeds. I got the pollinating the female part down now I just have to figure out how to collect the pollen from the first male without it pollinating the entire crop.
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