Indoor Calling All Experts!!! Need advice for Snow Ryder.

yup when i started my grow i used ffof in one gallon growbags i planted directly into the soil to germinate took 4 days for all of them to pop up and everything looked perfect all through there seedling phase nad veg with no nutes
Oh cool! I got one last SR that hasn't germ'd yet. I'm going to experiment with it and start it out in FFOF. Going to compare it side by side with the 3 new seedlings we put in the Scott's Earthgro today. This time doing it right and not fertilizing until it shows sex I'm sure it will be interesting to see if there's a significant difference in growth between the seedlings! We also plan on upgrading our lighting system in the next few weeks. has a fantastic deal right now. You can get a 400W HPS (their brand--which is just as good as any! I've been using their 150W system with no problems at all) for $119.00! That's very affordable and I'm sure the girls will enjoy 55,000 Lumens!!
Hey guys! Updating some details for the journal here. I'm gonna get some pics up probably tomorrow. The girls are taking OFF!! :D The two that got the least of the nute burn are popping pistils by the hour! Beautiful white hairs everywhere. The Runt which is no runt anymore, has growth forming at every node for the first up! PLUS the 3rd one that quit growing for almost 2 weeks has started growing again!! She has multiple new pistils forming on top and her new growth is a lush green color. I think she's finally over the bad nute burn and loves her new home and soil. I'm hoping she'll start taking off by the weekend!! Mixed up the nutes tonight for tomorrow nights feeding. The 4th SR seed still hasn't germinated or shows any sign of germing so I just filled up a pot with FFOF and plopped her in there and gave her some pH water a little bit and hoping for a sweet surprise!! Things are going good now I hope to stay on track. Still giving 1/4 the nutes and wondering when I should phase the grow natural out and just stick with the bloom and honey es. I'll get some pics up tomorrow probably! So Far So Good!! Plan on upgrading to 400W HPS asap.
Oh cool! I got one last SR that hasn't germ'd yet. I'm going to experiment with it and start it out in FFOF. Going to compare it side by side with the 3 new seedlings we put in the Scott's Earthgro today. This time doing it right and not fertilizing until it shows sex I'm sure it will be interesting to see if there's a significant difference in growth between the seedlings! We also plan on upgrading our lighting system in the next few weeks. has a fantastic deal right now. You can get a 400W HPS (their brand--which is just as good as any! I've been using their 150W system with no problems at all) for $119.00! That's very affordable and I'm sure the girls will enjoy 55,000 Lumens!!

I am eyeing the same unit. But I have a CMH bulb that I will be using. And yes, I have checked and the ballast is a magnetic ballast. I will not be using the stock reflector, as a friend gave me a cooltube reflector.

Best of luck bro
And many happy harvests.
Hey HHL!! Thanks for stopping by my thread bro! Thanks for the info and the good wishes! Yeah we are considering what type of reflector to use. I like the Big Kahuna but I don't know what kind of extra cash we'll have at the time of purchase. Sweet that a friend hooked you up with a cooltube! Are you growing anything at the moment?

Here's updated pics and info for the grow journal...

3 SISTERS & SEEDLINGS 6-30-11.JPG The 3 girls and 4 new seedlings off the bottom of the pic. The one in the bottom middle in the small pot is the one seed that didn't germ after 3 days so I dropped it in some FFOF and hopefully will pop up sometime this week!! The other three I'm doing in the Scott's Earthgro. Those three germ'd well and should pop out any day now!

JESCO-1 6-30-11.JPGJESCO-2 6-30-11.JPG This is the biggest of the 3. The top of her head is getting more 'n more pistils everyday!!

RUNTY-1 6-30-11.JPG RUNTY-2 6-30-11.JPG This one is right behind the biggest. She isn't much smaller than her! Her head is getting more pistils everyday as well.

OUIJA-1 6-30-11.JPGOUIJA-2 6-30-11.JPG This is the one that got the worst of the nute burn. She has started growing after almost two weeks of nothing. Her new growth is lush green!! I'm hoping to see her take off in the next 7 days!

Tonight they got their 2nd nute feeding--1st nute feeding in the FFOF. I'm curious to see how well the HN work with the FFOF. Still using the 3 jug method. Things are still looking good. :D
wow nute burn wtf
dont feed nutes to seedlings

start seedling in seedling mix till 3rd or 4 set of leaves then transplant iv never had a problem

but goodluck bro
Hey Asi,
Thanks for stopping by! Yeah I made the mistake of feeding them before they showed sex. I'm at 30 days so I'm alright now. I wasn't aware of that until I made the mistake. First time growing autos. I'm sure I'll do much better with the next 4 seedlings.
Hey guys. Girls are still doing great! My girlfriend is ordering our new lighting system as I'm typing this! :D She ROCKS!! We're going with another stock HTG system. 400 Watt HPS with no upgrades. I'm gonna find the 400W HPS bulb with the most lumens and use it for the girls. I'm figuring I can use the 150W HPS we have now for seedlings. OH! Great news! The one last SR seed we had that wouldn't germinate in the paper towel... Like I said earlier in the thread we decided to just try the FFOF with the seed. We popped it in the FFOF and it popped out a few hours ago!! The other 3 are out now too and they all look great! Hope to have the new lighting system from HTG sometime this coming week and do some grow room renovating! I'm thinking of using the closet for starting seedlings with the 150W HPS and taking a critter enclosure I have from a water dragon I used to own. It's 6' tall, 3' deep, and 4' wide. The top has steel mesh cover that would be great for hanging lights from. We can line the inside with mylar or just white construction paper... We have always thought of doing it but now we actually have a room to do it in so what do you all think? The more I think of it the more I get excited about growing new strains and becoming a better grower. Plus after reading NiceNEasy's ditchthedealer.pdf we're striving to be DEALER FREE!! I'll update the pics later on. The girls are getting crazy amounts of new pistils... New growth is green and healthy. Two are on their 7th node... The one plant that is recovering is actually turning back to green! Is that even possible? lol the yellow parts on the leaves are actually turning green! She's got her 5th node starting and all looks good. Plus the 4 new seedlings we got 7 Snow Ryders going right now! Hope to continue to be growing good. :smokebuds:
hey west nice to hear she finally popped her head out for ya. that critter enclosure sound like it work to me bro. will be looking for ur updates :)
7 Snow Ryders!! 3 Ladies and 4 seedlings!!

Hey Killa! Thanks for the reply! I figured since I already spent a chunk of change on it why not just modify it a bit instead of getting a grow tent... Here's the pics! I'm very excited about the seedlings and the girls pistil growth! Can't wait to see what the one in the FFOF does!!

Here's the 7 SR's together and then the seedlings... First seedling is the FFOF.


This is our biggest girl...


This is our second biggest... She's wider than the biggest one tho!


I just thought this was a cool pic! Best looking plants I've ever grown!! Hope ya'll enjoy!
