Well its been a while since Ive updated. I lost about 3/4 out of my autos thanks to this fungus but the one that survived is certainly taking off and has showed to be female. I planted 2 more auto seeds and they have sprouted fine and are about a week old. They were started in cups and I plan on tier them into their final containers. Instead of using my 50/50 peat moss/perlite mix, I planted them in seedling mix, my theory is that the fungus is in the peat moss I bought?
I have a bunch of photo bagseed that I'm just toying with that are doing great also. My photos are about 2 feet tall but are LST'd over into a spiral and are now on their 1st day of flowering. They are all loving the SeaGrow products and I would definitely recommend them to other beginners, very simple to use.
I'll be posting pics sometime but I'm not in any rush as there isnt much to show.