NEWS buying seeds in US

That's what people are saying, but site this morning said offline only. May just still say but was leary just in case it didnt. Stock is low too, any word on the Sativa's? That's what I want anyways lol. Never heard whether or not they would release. My buddy @Mizzo81 got to test them, but dont think they survived.
They survived. Would recommend the mango smile and super orange haze. Pink panama was a rough grow for me while the other 6 strains I did with both girls came out great. It was a nice strain just a little more difficult to grow or perhaps just not as big as I’d like. Watch out though as mango smile with one plant can fill a 4x4. Good ole school hazy smell with mango sweetness. Wit the smell came an old classic weed smell also it’s dank and your neighbors will know it’s fire. Orange haze has a nice orange taste with hints of haze behind it. Both are fairly potent with both needing to smoke more about 2 hrs later or it ends heavy. Not much needed to keep it going.
They survived. Would recommend the mango smile and super orange haze. Pink panama was a rough grow for me while the other 6 strains I did with both girls came out great. It was a nice strain just a little more difficult to grow or perhaps just not as big as I’d like. Watch out though as mango smile with one plant can fill a 4x4. Good ole school hazy smell with mango sweetness. Wit the smell came an old classic weed smell also it’s dank and your neighbors will know it’s fire. Orange haze has a nice orange taste with hints of haze behind it. Both are fairly potent with both needing to smoke more about 2 hrs later or it ends heavy. Not much needed to keep it going.
Hey bud, good to see you about tonight! Hope you spied on my lady lol, she's just gettin' going. I will be back in about hr or so if your around bud.
Hey bud, good to see you about tonight! Hope you spied on my lady lol, she's just gettin' going. I will be back in about hr or so if your around bud.
Have to take another look. I did while not logged in and couldn’t click to make bigger. Forgotten cookies is an amazing strain. Big fat sweet cookie dough sugar coated flowers. Last I looked your girl was looking great with your training. Without she can reach some high heights. I had to snap my girl over which is unusual for me
I ordered Iced Gushers a few hours ago. FYI - CC payment is unavailable until after end of year.
I see he has cashapp and Venmo so it's really not that hard and he offers free shipping. I got to meet @RocBudInc at the harvest cup. I am really looking forward to growing out the 3 known strains and I have a mystery pack of freebies from him also.
I really want the Passion Punch auto and I kick myself for not getting it at the HC.
Dear AFN Members,

For those who may not know or have been away for a while - Mephisto Genetics USA (for USA orders only for my results) take credit cards, ships fast, gives many & generous # of freebies beans. I placed my order 11/13/2019, it said "order rejected" & no credit cards but order took (w/a CC) and got beans in 5 days. Beans ship out of Colorado and made it safe to Arizona. then click on USA link!
Rocbud is a POS met him at the harvest cup blessed with me 10 packs free. Offered him my own. To come over smoke chill. Watched my wife clean the place everything. To now he saying I stole them. Convinced himself on that. Verbally threatened and this all started because he told me " purple rocberry is Dutch passion glueberry x fastbuds crystal meth. And I told him your not original and need ne more transpart.
I will not support a business who turns fake in matter of a seconds. When it comes to them only caring about $ when I walk away. I have done nothing but promote him. Make his name big and now I'm the bad guy. Yeah I bet the weed plants look good. But for him to explode on me and a father of 3 kids na fuck that
Passion punch is mephisto strawberry nuggets x purple roc. I got one pack left you want it lol. I'm giving away all my rocbud shit since all it is fastbuds x dutchpassion sprinkle on top of some rocbud lol
My thing is people why don't you breed yourself. If it as easy and taking others people work we all should do it rename strains make thousands lol

Hey bud, sorry to hear of your troubles here but regardless of how the situation went down, this seems like a rather personal matter and not something we typically want to see aired out on AFN. Your posts are borderline trolling/flaming regardless of who is right/wrong (and we've had members report them to us for attention,) so I'd ask that you please refrain from creating more posts of this nature (you also left him a flaming post on his profile, which was removed.) I think we can all be understanding in that people get angry and heated in the moment, but please respect the vibe of the community here :bighug:
Hey bud, sorry to hear of your troubles here but regardless of how the situation went down, this seems like a rather personal matter and not something we typically want to see aired out on AFN. Your posts are borderline trolling/flaming regardless of who is right/wrong (and we've had members report them to us for attention,) so I'd ask that you please refrain from creating more posts of this nature (you also left him a flaming post on his profile, which was removed.) I think we can all be understanding in that people get angry and heated in the moment, but please respect the vibe of the community here :bighug:

Hey bud, sorry to hear of your troubles here but regardless of how the situation went down, this seems like a rather personal matter and not something we typically want to see aired out on AFN. Your posts are borderline trolling/flaming regardless of who is right/wrong (and we've had members report them to us for attention,) so I'd ask that you please refrain from creating more posts of this nature (you also left him a flaming post on his profile, which was removed.) I think we can all be understanding in that people get angry and heated in the moment, but please respect the vibe of the community here :bighug:
@Boognelson87 lol JD...