Indoor Bushmasterar15 Another Grow


Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Feb 5, 2017
Reaction score
Just getting setup again after finishing the last grow. Got tent cleaned up, hung the @BigSm0 Autocobs back up, filled Autopots and growbags up with Canna Coco. I'll be running the same nutrient schedule again Greenleaf Megacrop, Greenleaf Sweet Candy, Greenlife Microbial Chelator, Greenlife Bloom and if needed Earth Juice Oilycann Calmag.

So far for strains I'm going to run Autoflower Portal Stone V6's, Autoflower Portal Citrus Noir, HSO Dr Greenthumb's Dedoverde Haze, HSO Lemon Juice Express, Fastbuds?, Fastbuds 1:1
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Hey Bush
You know I am subbed to this :pop: I thought I'd best get a seat early doors!

Do you have any details about this strain? Or why it is called v6?
I hear the Autoflower Portal are having a 420 sale with some awesome discounts for public and members alike!
how awesome is that? :yay:
Good luck with your grow (you don't need it but you get it anyway)!
Peace :pass:
Here is the run down on the Stone 99's


Project S99 has been going since 2012 when krk from HighRise blessed Christmas with amazing seed collection and the perl was auto Cinderella 99.
S99V1 and S99V1BX1

The first S99 version was created in 2013 with auto Cinderella 99 aka GHaze x C99 x C99 and Black Stone F4 for testing which continued till late 2015.The feedback was very promising - everyone grew or sampled it, was asking for more and version 1 was re-made with Black Stone F6 in winter 2015/16. In 2016 while testing F1 a fantastic light fast male sexed in 8 days from seed, pollinated auto Cinderella 99 S2 for back cross [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and new S99 versions were made but It was chosen S99 auto lines to be developed in the background, keeping them very close and passing test seeds to loyal friends usually under aliases the last 6-7 years.

What is auto Cinderella 99 contribution - speed from seed to weed in 7-9 weeks (usually amber trichomes show within 50 days), tropical fruity aroma and famous pineapple and grapefruit phenotypes, excellent resin production and the clear creative and daydreaming magic is special. All traits passed to the hybrids - easy to grow small to medium plants but due the very fast development a stress free start the first 3 weeks is recommended.

Cinderella 99 F4BX x Black Topaz


Purple Stonewreck x S99v1BX1


Cinderella 99 F4BX x Topaz x Black Topaz x auto Cinderella 99 S3


[Sour Lemon x Black Stone] x auto Cinderella 99 S3
Really want to try autopots. ever have any issues with them? I cant leave for more than 1 day at the moment with hand feeding LOL. Beeb looking into blumats too.

Anyways will tag along. Nice setup!
Really want to try autopots. ever have any issues with them? I cant leave for more than 1 day at the moment with hand feeding LOL. Beeb looking into blumats too.

Anyways will tag along. Nice setup!
Not really had any issues, I check the trays aquavalves maybe once a week and if they are holding level I'm good. If they seem low I'll push a 30ml syringe of the nutrient solution through the line just to make sure there are no blockages. Once they are on the reservoir at day 20 a full res 10-12 gallons will last 5-7 days running 4 autopots. Couple pics from previous grows.