Dinafem Burr_Nit's - Haze CBD+ RoadRunner#2

For just over 2 weeks you are getting great growth from the haze cbd Auto. Very vigorous growth mate :thumbsup: . Some nice lst being implemented and the yellowing I believe is the plant needing more feed. I would mix up your feed to close to full then alternate feeding between ph,d water and your nutrient solution. Working up to full strength nutrient solution but still giving a plane water flush once a week.

As they are showing such vigorous growth they are craving more feed and I think this will be one if those strain that will be a very heavy feeding lady :thumbsup:

Really impressed so far and thank you for keeping such a detailed diary and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated!

Until the next update keep up the great work :slap:

All the best

For just over 2 weeks you are getting great growth from the haze cbd Auto. Very vigorous growth mate :thumbsup: . Some nice lst being implemented and the yellowing I believe is the plant needing more feed. I would mix up your feed to close to full then alternate feeding between ph,d water and your nutrient solution. Working up to full strength nutrient solution but still giving a plane water flush once a week.

As they are showing such vigorous growth they are craving more feed and I think this will be one if those strain that will be a very heavy feeding lady :thumbsup:

Really impressed so far and thank you for keeping such a detailed diary and thank you for the continued picture updates very much appreciated!

Until the next update keep up the great work :slap:

All the best


Hey Mark !

Always a pleasure having you stop in! Thank you for the info, much appreciated! She's responding very well to the LST and growing great but I believe your right about her being a hungry girl..I think I have been under feeding nutrients & watering way to heavy.. I'm letting the pot dry up before I water again (almost there) and then "uping" the nutrients ... Otherwise she's doing well and since I started easing up on the watering she's looking better!

Thanks again for stopping in man!:thumbsup:
Haze: 21 days
Roadrunner#2: 13 days

The white specks you see in Haze is just dried deposits from the foliar feed a few days ago, nothing to be alarmed about. She has responded well to the LST the canopy is almost even... she's getting that bushy look to her!

RoadRunner is stretching its wings good now. :thumbsup:

Haze: 23 days
RoadRunner: 15days

Good morning fellow growers! Hope everyone is doing good!
Just a quick update here. Early morning yesterday they got their feedings and Haze has responded nicely to it! I was definitely underfeeding and overwatering. I'm really happy that Haze has bounced back. Her leaves looking much better :biggrin:.....for now. lmao!
She has bushed out, and I have removed a few LST tie downs to let her starting start stretching. I'm always trying to stay up on some leaf tucking as well. I actually might trim a few.

Roadrunner#2 is trucking along nicely just minding her own business! Lol. I'm not going to do any LST on her, she's stays realtively small so I'm just going to let her do it's thing.

Haze feeding:
Floranova Grow: 6ml/Gal
Floralicious: 0.5ml/Gal
Ca/Mg: 7ml/Gal

RoadRunner feeding:
Floranova Grow: 2.5ml/Gal
Ca/Mg: 7ml/Gal

Haze: 24days
RoadRunner: 16days

Haze is looking lovely, and she got a little trimmage today.. okay maybe I got a little carried away with the trimming LMAO! But lower nodes definitely getting some light now. :eyebrows:

RoadRunner is showing slight signs of the same cal/mag deficiency that Haze had around two weeks old, so clearly learning I have to be a little heavy handed when it comes to feeding my girls.. in my environment, with my LED and growing medium they become very hungry very fast.

Happy Growing my Growmies!
