Dinafem Burr_Nit's - Haze CBD+ RoadRunner#2

Haze: 28 days
RoadRunner: 20 days

Haze exactly 4 weeks old today, we celebrated with some lovely Afgooey :biggrin: ..Haze got a feeding on Tuesday, Jan 23rd. She's responded well to that which is good cause I decide to increase ml/ of the feeding. She drank a little over a half gallon with:

Floranova Grow: 10ml/gal
Floralicious: 1ml/gal
CaMg: 10ml/gal

But so far all is good. We'll see if she starts acting up when we really get into flower. Let's hope not! Lol. I'm thinking about starting bloom nutes in another week for her. RoadRunner has really stretched. Obviously drinking slower so she's still working on her last feed. I also defoliated her a bit, and LST'd her bottom branches.

Tomorrow I believe they both need some water, I'm thinking about doing just some Ca/Mg though. Though last time Haze didn't do to good after a Ca/Mg water, but she also wasn't on the heavy nutes she is now.

Happy growing! Enjoy the pics!!

Haze: 30 days
RoadRunner: 22 days

Thought I would give ya all a little update. They both got a watering yesterday morning of just water pH'd at 6.2 ..to me they just don't look that good after just getting water. They're both hungry girls and think I will be feeding on every watering from here on out. I think it benefits the way I water any way cause I water just until I get a little bit of runoff. Very little So I'd rather water more often in small doses. But that's just me.

But they're both doing good, haze really showing bud sites, but RoadRunner has caught up well.. RoadRunner is 60day harvest and Haze is 70day. And they are 8 days apart so when it comes time to harvest they may or may not get the chop at the same time. Who knows, let's just hope I get to that point aha! Haze's next feed will be transitioning to bloom nutes so plan is to give her some grow and some bloom nutes and then feed after that will be just bloom throughout.

Enjoy the pics fellow growers!!! :smoking:
