Lighting Bunny's Telos Tales

Thanks for the kind words. Does look like a good match so far.
@Biotabs F69 when do you start with your compost tea and do you use it every watering in flower?

Edit: spoke to @Nabzter and once a week seems practical, brewing about 5L at a time. Otherwise just plain water, Nice
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Phewwww! What an exciting time eh!! :D

The early growth is looking Beauty bunny!!! ^_^ - surely not just down to a fancy light ... but elite growing skillz too! (although personally i credit any minor success i've had to my OP equipment lol)

The Light .... Telos


So (^^ lol) ... These days i judge how good a light is by how Fugly it is .... and in this respect i am NOT disappointed

Think about it ... The gravita pro range ... look like something from seventies doctor who ..... The Spectrum King Range .... look like something from the original ghostbusters

... Then we get the Telos :rofl: (dont get me wrong ... i want one ... really badly) ... but this sprang to mind (can we get it in black???)


Second from right :rofl:

Love GN ... Love Biotabs.

Green With Envy :biggrin::greenthumb::greencheck:
Phewwww! What an exciting time eh!! :D

The early growth is looking Beauty bunny!!! ^_^ - surely not just down to a fancy light ... but elite growing skillz too! (although personally i credit any minor success i've had to my OP equipment lol)

The Light .... Telos


So (^^ lol) ... These days i judge how good a light is by how Fugly it is .... and in this respect i am NOT disappointed

Think about it ... The gravita pro range ... look like something from seventies doctor who ..... The Spectrum King Range .... look like something from the original ghostbusters

... Then we get the Telos :rofl: (dont get me wrong ... i want one ... really badly) ... but this sprang to mind (can we get it in black???)


Second from right :rofl:

Love GN ... Love Biotabs.

Green With Envy :biggrin::greenthumb::greencheck:

Thanks for the comments guys. @blue you win the Surreal post award (though I shouldn't be surprised)! I like it that crazy little droid on wheels does resemble the shape of the Telos mega heat sink, but I tell you what it's great to be fan less.
Day 23/19

The closer NCH is flowering already! Still stretching so hopefully get another week of veg. The NCH behind her Has a big stem and only preFlower hopefully a big un. The Ak 420 is doing just fine for day 19.






AK 1


AK 2

Going to get brewing some tea what day do people like to start feeding compost tea ?

Thanks Eyes great to have a detailed recipe. Im Going to get the guys to use the bio tabs ready mixed PK tea powder as @Biotabs F69 sent me some. When do you recommend one starts with the PK tea?