Nutrients Bunnys 0006 Bio Tent

Beware the N with 3 x tabs in a pot! I have 2 x MBAPs in one 15 litre pot together, with 3 Biotabs, and they are so N rich it's making me anxious! :crying:

EDIT FOR INFO: It wasn't the 3 tabs causing the N rich plants, it was me being an idiot and having too much heat under the pot = too much soil activity!! Doh!
Day 57

I'm not one for extensive defoliation, But with an over stuffed tent( partly too many plants and partly the vigorous Bio Tab driven green health) I had to take all the large fans from the top half of the two big plants . And many central leaves off to allow light down through the plants.
They still have plenty of leaves and Lower fans.[emoji7]




The big two^

There's another nice plant and two more spindly because the were muscled out.


The above nice plant had a couple of trims and the spindly nothing. It Should all make a difference to yield.


Spindly ^

Apart from the buddy plant the others are all really late flowering? though they have stopped vertical growth. Hopefully ready in 30 odd days ? I think the buddy plant is Glueberry and one spindly. The others White widow. The One photographed infront of the door is well over a meter!
Anyone have any ideas why Autos Veg longer in some environments as opposed to others?

I don't "know" the facts (plant science is far from my forte) ... however i'd Guess that it's the born survival mechanism & perhaps the plant thinks it knows what's best for it.

For example, if the humidity were high ... a vegging plant may "think" ... "hey i'm on to a good thing here - i like it - I'm gonna keep the veg going"

Or if the humidity were low maybe it thinks "ughh .. this sucks! I'm going into flower straight away and that'll be fine!"

But it's just a guess! ^_^
I thought maybe the root zone and nutrients? In reality probably a combination of factors. Anyway I just hope the flowering takes of on the others now.
I believe every seed has a pre determined timer in its dna. External factors will effect growth rate- but not flowering at all. Just my opinion- could be complete nonsense lol

I grow autos in sets of 4's same strain same lights same exact feed schedule and amount ( from a shared res fee by pump ) and rarely see the same strain flowering at the same time.

Anyway plants are looking great bunny cant wait to give tabs a go next year :thumbsup:
I believe every seed has a pre determined timer in its dna. External factors will effect growth rate- but not flowering at all. Just my opinion- could be complete nonsense lol

I grow autos in sets of 4's same strain same lights same exact feed schedule and amount ( from a shared res fee by pump ) and rarely see the same strain flowering at the same time.

Anyway plants are looking great bunny cant wait to give tabs a go next year :thumbsup:

Yeah Genetics is the key factor. Looking forward to your tabs grow.
Day 59 One things for sure Tabs sure can veg a big plant.

Defol has helped get light to the buds, we lost hundreds of leaves and they are still so bushy could use some more.

Bio PK 5-8 is doing its thing aswell They have bounced back and are well into flower.


Before defol^ about 4 days ago


after defol^


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:greenthumb: :spels::greenthumb::spels::greenthumb:.... brother Bunny, it's looking pretty phat in that tent, mate! :d5:.... only whos' who in this scrumm? :rofl: .... yeah, noted the stretchiness,... I think it was a smart move to knock out some fans, especially when things get that legged out,.. lowers already with weaker light, then with fans shadowing them = larfy airy stuff! I'm not sure why they stretched like that,... SL has enough Indica parentage in her to make them more bushy that leggy,.. WW too more or less,... GBOG, that tends to get very bushy usually,.... I wonder, if it's the spectrum on the light that's a bit too red,...? Did you get some heat going in there for a while? Between that, the Tabs fast breakdown and sudden N influx, could be behind this,...:shrug:... Buds look stellar, forming up well, so no PK issues there so far! Are you doing the bottled PK goo? Don't be stingy with it, as it's pretty mild stuff,...:crisps:--- from the looks of the leaves, there's fat N stores in them, so maybe ease off the Orgatrex for a spell, if you're adding it still,...
....Eyes on Fire's SL has been making me soil the keyboard every time I see it! And here about her unique aromatics- :drool:... gotta get me some, even if it'll be a while before I can run them!
:cheers::smokeout: :slap: --- good stuff mate!

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