Nutrients Bunnys 0006 Bio Tent

Day 21

The crinkles did recover but small for their age and the extra Glueberry got repotted in random bandq soil, I wanted to cull but could have been wrong. We will see how she does without perlite but will add a couple of tabs and Silicium flash top dressing.

Day 26

Looks like the crinkles weren't a bad thing in the end. We have two plants ready to take the space. And it's pretty tight now especially as the guys didn't cull one of the plants ! I Will have to defoliate!

No guess as to which is which yet? Widow,Glueberry or sour livers? I know the youngest is Glueberry so may be able to identify other Glueberry in the same environment later on?







They look to be really enjoying the tabs and are super healthy. Keeping an eye out for Calmag issues I did add more Sillicium flash to this soil compared to the Telos grow . Calmag and Organics seems a problem under LED so we will see.


gonna be crowded tent soon buns, them tabs kick ass, Surprised they brought out silica additive, I'm sure there's a base level in em as standard.
gonna be crowded tent soon buns, them tabs kick ass, Surprised they brought out silica additive, I'm sure there's a base level in em as standard.

Cheers jay yeah four plants is normally more than enough for this tent! Silicium Flash Is s powdered soil amendment and contains macro and micro nutrients Aswell as other organic goodies. Laters.
Looking great bunny. Good luck !!

Cheers @Nabzter I notice you grow under LED with Tabs with great results. My other LED grow is going really well big plants and flowering nicely just some bad mag defs! I wonder if Burple LED spectrums are better for cal mag problems than the new cobs and bright white LED, which may be even worse than the old standard? I will wait and see how they do under this GN 0006 compared to the Telos. May need to find a good organic cal mag for my Telos grows.
Day 30

On the rise! I'm going to do some training and defol at the end of next week! They certainly will need it, no sign of Calmag issues yet. Maybe NCH from my Telos grow is super picky with it?



... Looking phat in there Bunny! :pimp: :d5:.... GC's tend to stretch quite a bit after bloom initiates I believe,... How far away is the light? Wondering if some compaction form intense light might be in play too,...? lower left has some toasty tips, which one is this? My photo's all got some tip burn mid grow, or so, I think the Tabs had a final fast breakdown and released too much,... maybe this one did too.... watch your bud set very closely, to make sure there's no P defc. creeping in,... I don't think EoF has had any prob's with his Tabs concerning this though... :greenthumb:... have a slap on me for some fine-ass veg'ing! :slap: :cheers: :pass:
... Looking phat in there Bunny! :pimp: :d5:.... GC's tend to stretch quite a bit after bloom initiates I believe,... How far away is the light? Wondering if some compaction form intense light might be in play too,...? lower left has some toasty tips, which one is this? My photo's all got some tip burn mid grow, or so, I think the Tabs had a final fast breakdown and released too much,... maybe this one did too.... watch your bud set very closely, to make sure there's no P defc. creeping in,... I don't think EoF has had any prob's with his Tabs concerning this though... :greenthumb:... have a slap on me for some fine-ass veg'ing! :slap: :cheers: :pass:

Cheers bro, Tabs are awesome for vegging! The 0006 has been between 60-80 cm from the canopy. Internodal space has always been short under this light. In fact if you have limited headroom (this tent is only 160cm high) Its great,real healthy bushy plants ,if you can get hold of one still! It may have been a little close a couple of days? I have some bio PK 5-8 at the ready so hopefully no P def? Strain wise it's a lucky dip(mixed up seedlings) sour livers, Glueberry or stockers white widow. Laters
Day 33

Only 3 days since the last update really moving fast. In fact the growth has been spectacular in the last 10 days.



A nice full Tent! They are in preflower and beginning to stretch. Laters
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