Indoor Buddha Auto Purple Kush 300w LED

Dec 12, 2012
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Me Been growing for some time now . maybe 7 or 8 grows usually post on other sites but since me only grow autos me decide to move to this site to help share tee knowledge/research me come here to gain at times. well tee grow is buddha Auto Purple kush . 2nd time growing but last time was bad conditions me didn't have the space nor ventilation etc. details below

-Buddha Auto Purple Kush
-300 W Mars Hydro LED (18/6)
-2x2x4 grow tent
- Roots Organic soil
- 3 Gal Smart Pots
-Small Clip Fan (will add another soon)
-thermometer (of course)
-Advanced Nutrients 3 part series (grow,micro,bloom)
-General Hydroponics Cal-Mag
(Going to attempt a scrog)

Sprouted OCT 12th
other Pics are from OCT 23 puts it at almost 2 weeks old Trying smart pots for first time Tried air pots previously liked them ,however hated how it leaked out of holes. Don't have that problem with these will see how they preform First grow in some time Me been able to keep the temp perfect due to stealth reasons. In order to keep temp Right have to leave top of Tent unzipped which Me don't like/want Going to see if Me add another fan will that fix tee issue. fully closed temps reach 81 . So want a 4 degree difference? what you tink mon ? can a fan lower 4 degrees? we'll see mon.Looking very strong an healthy thus far .
Off to a great start man, good luck
Looking good. I use smart pots as well. I wash them in "free and clear" laundry detergent and double rinse before reuse.
Looks sweet man!
Update 10/30

Purple Kush is doing great Looking strong an getting thicker. The temp with Tent all the way closed worked itself out as the temps outside has dropped with winter coming Me didn't have to do a ting but me know its a temporary fix until season to come so still tinking of ways to lower for next season. True indica huh? Bushy an fat ass hell . the mars 300 which is actually a 150 hp me tink suck tee ass for penetration its dark below the top leaves which why me hope me can pull off a scrog with that scrog net came with te tent or if not me will add some cfl's to bottom next week. me mixed 3x more nutes in a jug for next week. see how she responds me kept it light until now.

She still Growing strong had me worried for a second because she hadn't begun to flower until today. me somehow remember tee last one me did flowering at day16 ,but me look up a journel someone else done an they flowered day 21 which is what mine is on so its on track. She growing thick but not tall yet. me know Most of the vertical length usually happens during flowering but again me remember her being a tad bit lankier last go round. Maybe the difference is me having way better conditions this time. Me abandon the scrog idea after me read about it realize it involves topping tee plant at when 5 set start . Me almost out of bud an dont want to mess tis one up ya know mon? so me instead add 4 CFL lights to tee tent . "400" watt equivalent and "100" watt actual Draw. Sorry for me quick typing pics below .
Hey Guys wanted to update you all Remember how me say in earlier post seems like she wasn't flowering or flowering very slowly compare to what me remember from last time me grow? well me was right! she wouldn't flower mon :sadcry::sadcry:. Me read online sometimes auto dont take the auto Gene well . Multiple reasons for this but I think me issue is that the seed is old. tey dont produce it anymore most sites dont sell anymore ran out . me hunted down a site that still had some because me like it so much. Maybe old seeds me no know? it suck tee ass work so hard have her looking so good an fat an she won't flower . me was very hurt mon. I read that some people have tee same problem switch to 12/12 and some say it worked others said it didn't either way me switched an she has begun to flower more now but very very slowly me keep eye an keep you guys posted. hoping for tee best. Happy tanksgiving Mon.
Me back mon. Sooo guys Me was so sad tee last post me autoflower don't autoflower haha. So last post me switch to 12/12 to see what happens an long story short it worked. however feel like it take long time mon but in retrospect me started the journel OCT 25 it is almost Dec 25 so that is right on que surprisingly ,But she start flower late an me know that will hurt tee yield . Me think she could go longer but since me using low power light an all tee frustration she put me threw mon . Me ready to cut her ass and start a new with tee Fast Bud Auto Girl Scout Cookies. Me order an have ready. Me trim clean the lower part of the plant already an she no give no purple color with all tee complications .someting definitely went wrong with this seed. Me can not say for sure but Me think its an old seed you know alot of seller no sell this strain no more they run out me had to search for someone who still had some an me tink they were old but no worries 1 out of 6 grows . Charge that 1 to tee game mon. Here some pic mon.
