Indoor Bubba Trouble Strain Guide

yes! "Waiting for the greenhouse window grow" is underway in 1/2 gal soil pots. These are nute testers for the greenhouse. Bubba Trouble will be center stage. I've made large, 7"x 7"x 9" deep insta-transplant pots so they can grow in the window, May 1 seeding, for a month before being transplanted to the greenhouse into 10 gal fabric pots. BT wants to be big, I say "let her go for it"! I'll probably top them this time. She exhibited such strong resistance I'm not worried about bushier plants, and I want to keep them off the ceiling:rofl: I'm expecting this season will not be as shitty weather wise. Earlier start, warmer season, topping, and bloom boosting, toes and fingers crossed for something special. We'll see:shrug:
Yeah im in the states cant wait to see the grow man
The BT is a vigorous growing & likes to feed a lot . Have you ever tried cloning the BT . I cut a
Yeah im in the states cant wait to see the grow man

BT is growing great, very vigorous & she loves to eat . Have you ever tried cloning her ? I cut a few lower branches & I think they are going to make it . Figured it wouldn’t hurt to try .