I suffer with something called agoraphobia which is a fear of leaving my house coupled with severe depression and anxiety this is not a good combination.
What I have found is that high thc strains with low cbd are not so good for me, I think these strains are more for recreational use and to get as high as you can. For me using cannabis is for medical reasons and high cbd strains do work very well
I first came across the benefits from high cbd strains with "resin seeds" cannatonic. I grew her out several years ago and I did not like the taste but the wife did. Over time the wife was wondering why she had not had a bad migrane which she has to have many pills and acupuncture. We found out that the high cbd quality was stopping the migranes
Now all this week I have been using only haze auto cbd and I've been out 2x with the wife and dogs. Not far just 1/4km but this is better than being to scared to come out of my own house. For this I have to be very thank full
All the best