Indoor Brother Mendels Purple Thai Sip

With all your seedling problems, maybe you should plant in a cutout solo cup planting and transplant them in this run? That's coming from someone that HATES to transplant anything.
When I was growing most of my family's food, I only transplanted tomatoes and some peppers. Everything else was direct seeded or slips. Just use plain old potting media or unamended non-water only canna grow media.
Just an observation.
When I first started I was doing the water soak/paper towel thing but I had a couple issues with the root getting stuck to the towel and thats when I went to water soak/direct plant. I think it was @Twenty20 Adam that mentioned using cheap brown towels and I got the "aha" moment to use unbleached coffee filters that I have a bunch of. So far-knock on wood- it seems to be working.
fwiw: the one girl I pulled that had grown "some", I put into a small cloth pot and as soon as these cold snaps are gone, I'll stick it out in the vacant field next door. If it goes undetected, I might try a bucket sip buried in the ground. Seems like these would be perfect for folks that need to guerilla grow.
When I first started I was doing the water soak/paper towel thing but I had a couple issues with the root getting stuck to the towel and thats when I went to water soak/direct plant. I think it was @Twenty20 Adam that mentioned using cheap brown towels and I got the "aha" moment to use unbleached coffee filters that I have a bunch of. So far-knock on wood- it seems to be working.
fwiw: the one girl I pulled that had grown "some", I put into a small cloth pot and as soon as these cold snaps are gone, I'll stick it out in the vacant field next door. If it goes undetected, I might try a bucket sip buried in the ground. Seems like these would be perfect for folks that need to guerilla grow.
Yeah, I had the same thought on the coffee filters. It should work better.
RocBud Day 2
The first girl popped 2 days ago and the second just poked out yesterday.(too small for pic) I gave em a mycelium pie and going to try 50/50 with the cover. Help keep the top root area dry and any top dressing moist- that's the theory anyway.


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The first girl popped 2 days ago and the second just poked out yesterday.(too small for pic) I gave em a mycelium pie and going to try 50/50 with the cover. Help keep the top root area dry and any top dressing moist- that's the theory anyway.
I like the way it keep my top moist.
See what it doe!
Purple Thai Day 47
Guess it doesn't matter how much you pay for seeds- they are gonna grow the way they wanna grow.#1 & #2 (Left & Right) born the same time, feeding the same and both in same size boxes. #1 is 37" and #2 is 25". #1 looks a lot skinnier cause I've trimmed a lot more than the other. The tops grew quick but the secondary stems, not so much and I couldn't see them amounting to much. I'm liking how close the bud spacing is. Should be nice looking when all is done. #1 I've been running with full top and #2 has been running without cover. Maybe that is why 1 is taller than 2? Food for thought.

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#3 She's the one in the 15 gal Grassroots pot. She started flowering a week ago. She's a cute little thing running 22". Hoping her buds don't stay "cute". Still seeing biggest difference between the 2 styles is that the stems on the EB girls are twice as stout as the pots. Hoping that will lead to some hefty buds.

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For me the best news is absolutely no sign of yellow leaf issues. The main change I've made has been in ph ing my water. I've noticed that some of these nutes will drag ph down into the 4's
All for now, D.
Purple Thai Day 72
Day 72 Buds are starting to fatten and get denser. Sugar is starting to stack. Not sure if the girl on the right has an issue or its an end of life thing. Leaves have started some yellowing from bottom up. A couple weeks ago I forgot to ph the water and caught it after watering her first. Got the water to proper ph and ran some through her hoping it might cancel any problem but maybe not. On the other hand, she is the only one showing purpling. They all have been hands up the full grow.


This is the girl in the grass roots pot

Day 30 RocBud
Day30 of Purple Roc b1
With the difference's in size and age, I broke down and bought another MarsHydro Sp150 and canned the big 2000 so I can better adjust the height of the lights.
Left hand girl is doing quite nicely. She needs a trim job. The one on the right is a bit of a quandary. Couple weeks ago I bumped her and she fell over. Found the stem where it hit the soil was emaciated. I stuck it a back into the soil and propped her up with some popcycle sticks and so far she seems to be sorta ok. A couple days ago a few bottom leaves started showing some yellowing. I'll stick with her for a bit. Thinking I might trim back the lower branches to eventually have just the main stem. Not sure if there is enough of the main stem to support growth of the other branches. Could have been just rot or maybe it was the damn cockaroach that came crawling out of the side of the box. That sucah was summarily terminated

That is one problem with putting 2 plants in one box. If one dies, it's kind of difficult to start another cause of different sizes and feeding schedules.
Left one


Right one
Wild Thai Day 31
Day 31
What is supposed to be a landrace sativa is showing more as an indica. Both have remained quite squat with wider leaves. Both are just starting to show signs of switching to flower so along with normal routine of Homegrown Microbe Bokashi amendments, I've recharged the top soil with 1/2” Composte, Worm Castings, ¼ cup Craft Blend, 1/8 cup Kashi, 19 grms dolomite, ½ cup alfalfa, ½ cup barly, 1 tbl azokashi, ¼ cup frass. Fed the worms with avocado/coconut/banana bomb.
#1 gal is the shortest at 11" even though she's in the biggest box---but she was topped and lst


#2 gal was the real runt so I decided not to top her and just grow out au natural. She's currently at a whopping 12". For some reason the gnats like hanging out around her so along with the usual nematodes I've been adding some mint and citronella plant leaves as a sort of deterrent mulch. Seems to have helped.
