Brooklyn sunrise stops in its tracks?

I'll order a tds meter this evening. Just been following the schedule I posted hoping I'd not need to check ppm or ph because it's ph perfect lineup. Yes I get good runoff every watering. And my water is just pure good no lime well water. And these are grown in burpee organic coco from a bag


  • 20171014_112216.jpg
    177.5 KB · Views: 45
...great, the TDS/EC meter will show if you're putting enough run-off through, I think it shouldn't be more than about 200ppm or so higher-?... If ever you need to flush, use a solution of your water +15-ppm Ca-Mg, and 150ppm appropriate nutes, pH to 6.0,.. pour through until r-o is at or near input numbers,...
  • Brooklyn sunrise growth has taken back off since sex has shown.... now I'm wondering if this is n abundance or what lights high as it will go... been feeding daily 2.5ml of an coco a and b
... need info man,.. T, RH%, distance to lights,.... proximity heat/intensity can kick this off, even if ambient T/RH are more or less OK,... doesn't look like N-tox to me,... no tip burn or anything like that? I need pics in normal light, as HID is lousy for diagnostics,....