New Grower Guide: Creating the indoor grow environment

Gonna bump this up, don't want it getting lost amongst every thread.
Another bump! Any chance of a sticky please? :]
I recently decided to go in for the winter. I have bought 4, 4 foot x 4 foot tents and am ordering the lights now.I chose led's for 2 (flowering), 400 watt hid for the mother and T5's for the veg room. I may have to go with photos because of the difference in light hours needed. I have a small cabinet with cfl's I will use for making clones and collecting pollen. My easy bake oven. I hope to set it up where the 2 flowering tents are always full and out of synce with each other. With 8 weeks for flowering, that is a tent a month. I might do a seed run before spring. I have not grown inside for 25 years and many things have changed. The mother room can also grow a few samples of this years crosses. I have already mixed the super soil mix I found here and it is setting in the sun now. I am sure I will have many questions for the experts here. Thank you in advance.
Sounds like quite the setup you're gonna have going Stonemaster, it sounds good so far :]
@BillyWu how you doin' bro ya know JM has just started a new thread for new growers yours might do good there so it doesnt get lost..:2cents:....:peace:

Gonna add something on :]

6. Extra information about pot sizes

Generally with pot sizes you need to consider how big of a plant you want to get. Generally a bigger pot will supply much more space for roots to grow, allowing the plant to have a sturdy foundation that's capable of providing enough nutrients to support it's size. The more nutrients it takes up and uses, the better. Generally bigger pots means bigger plants.

Bearing that in mind, it is possible to get big buds and a fairly big plant from a small container, such as a 3 litre container. Generally 3 litres suits most people fine if they're doing methods such as Screen of Green (making a lot of little plants as opposed to less but larger ones)

A pot size that is considered big is roughly 15-20 litres. 25-30 litres is a bigger pot size, which means that the plant has more room, but bear in mind that a bigger pot means more effort.

By more effort I mean the amount of water needed to flush and water your plant. Generally with flushing, you run 3x the volume of the container through, or by using JM's method you use 1x pot volume of pH 7 water, then 1x pot volume of pH 6.8 water, then 1x pot volume of pH 6.5 (only applicable for soil growing, other setups require different pH's).

You also have to find the right amount of water to water your plant with. I generally use 3 litres of water in a 20 litre pot by trial and error, but you want to aim to get 10% of the water you put in running off out of the bottom.

My personal recommendations are:

For a stealth grow with small space: 5-10 litres (depending on if you want multiple plants or not)
For growing 1 single big plant: 20-30 litres
For growing multiple big plants (i.e.: 3): 12-16 litres
For growing SoG method: 2-4 litres

Generally, just use whatever space you've got for however many plants you want to grow that will fit in the space :] Most pots you can order online will have the dimensions in the item description so you can see beforehand how big it will be.
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