Brooklyn sunrise stops in its tracks?

Sep 17, 2016
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Been feeding 1ml per ltr coco sensi bloom a and b. She is under a 400 watt air cooled mh. Tent stays 77-85 good rhythm. Growing in coco. Plants like 3 weeks old. First pic is Sept 26th last is today as. You can see she's stunted or lacking something or getting to much.
Usually when there wilted like that it's either too dry or too wet,so if the pot is real heavy she's to wet and the roots arn't getting enough oxygen.Are you ph'ing your water?and are you using cal/mag?
Its probly overwatered. I have a durban in a 5 gal, i usually use 3gals and havent gotten used to how much water it needed. Itll catch up though, i stalled out a plant i transfered, it didnt grow at all for 9 days, but ended up overtaking its sisters. Just let it dry out

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No calmag, only have the sensi bloom a and b with some root enhancer. And it was fine in the small pot... but it looks like it's showing sex now so maybe that's what slowed her down the transplant and her beginning to flower?
No calmag, only have the sensi bloom a and b with some root enhancer. And it was fine in the small pot... but it looks like it's showing sex now so maybe that's what slowed her down the transplant and her beginning to flower?
Typically sex is when they kick in, youll notice a change in them.

My experience with autos has educated me on 2 things when i see this. Over water and soil will cause this. I see COCO and i have never used the stuff, however i can tell autos have root issues, they tend to depend on what is done with and to them.

I have references here where i started in a certain soil and they did great but they stalled, and i mean minimal growth over a 2 week period and it was the soil. It was way to compact and the roots couldnt move, once i lightened it up things exploded.
:toke:- in coco, it's less prone to root suffocation from overwatering because of it's nice draining/breathing properties,.. no leaf droops either,... I think you're feeding too weakly,... do you have an EC or TDS meter? What's the water source, and ppm/EC and pH if it's tap? That must be calculated in when dialing in your feeds,... recommendations from coco-nuts here are about 1.1EC to start, ramp up to 1.7 on sizable plants late bloom,...... Sensi Coco should have enough Ca and Mg in it, but if you're feeding to lightly, it may not be enough to keep the coco's Ca hogging in check,....
Are you feeding to 15-20% run-off each time? This is important in coco, to keep nute salts building up, which if happens, messes with pH, nute uptake, and can start burning,.. .do you have pH and TDS/EC readings of nute solution and run-off? --coco is not like soil at all, more like hydro in many aspects,...
I'll order a tds meter this evening. Just been following the schedule I posted hoping I'd not need to check ppm or ph because it's ph perfect lineup. Yes I get good runoff every watering. And my water is just pure good no lime well water. And these are grown in burpee organic coco from a bag