New Grower BR549's First Grow (or, I finally get off my ass...)

your not a new grower unless your guilty of c.
Well, I have to admit, that makes me feel better. You know, for years I've heard people say "anyone can grow marijuana" and "it's just a weed". Well, I've been gardening since I was five years old, and let me tell you, this is on a whole 'nother level than growing tomatoes or bell peppers. But you guys already know that...
Different plants require different nutrients that's for sure

and PH levels, i just killed an Azalea by keeping in to close to PH 7 looks like they seem to like it in the 4.5 area. I have been lucky so far with the Bio Bizz Light Mix and Bio Bizz nutes PH seems to buffer well, but i know i am starting to get to relaxed on it now and somewhen its gonna jump up and bite me in the ass lol.
DAY 49

Well, here we are at the seven week mark. The plants are no longer pretty, but every day the buds look more "budlike". Heck, I didn't care about the leaves anyway! I've come to the conclusion that a camera is an essential grow tool, at least for a noob. Yesterday I was thinking that the plants weren't doing much and I'd probably done more harm to them than they could take. But when I look at them and compare them to last week's pics, well, things are going fine. Maybe I can't see much increase in bud size day to day, but over a week they apparently sneak up on you. Anyways, here's this weeks photos. Not the best photos, even for me, but this was a hell of a day at work, and it's my Monday. I'm too pooped to think about anything but grabbing the bong and vegging for a few hours. The usual format, group photo, followed by A, B, and C (this time only a side shot).


A follow-up. Okay, I got my brain properly aligned. I was sitting in front of the tent, just checking out the plants (you know, with that dopey grin!) and it hit me that A, the go-getter that was running away with the grow is now the shortest of the three. It's still much farther along than the other two as far as maturation (the leaves are getting frosty, for one), but looking at B and C, I think both look better at their current stage (bud-wise) than A did at that respective stage. Maybe A will get to the finish first, but I think C will get there in style.
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Starting to look pretty juicy and sweet! What kind of device do you guys use to take so good pictures of the tricomes? All I have is a tiny pocket microscope that I use. I'd like too look forward for a better kind of tool, could you recommend any?