New Grower BR549's First Grow (or, I finally get off my ass...)

I got through the spraying. Now I'm doing the usual watering/feeding, and adding D.E. to my plants (had to take a toke break), and I have to announce a theft. Someone broke into my apartment, stole my oldest plant, and replaced it with one that looks exactly the same but seriously stinks! Damn, I'm glad I didn't try to do this without a carbon scrubber...
I'll tell you one thing (although this was the plan already); I'm taking next summer off from growing. The electrical set up in my apartment is pretty low. I can choose to a) grow weed, or b) use the air conditioner. The fact that I chose weed over a/c in the middle of summer just goes to show what a stoner I am!
I got two ac's sitting in the garage unplugged. Electricity at my place sucks too. But you gotta make sacrifices man.
You're welcome to ride along, but I highly recommend buckling your safety belt; it's been bumpy and getting bumpier.

Today we have a small test for my fellow noobs. We have an obvious deficiency, and your job is to figure out which of the following choices is the problem. First, the photo, then the choices.


A. Calcium Deficiency: You need to boost the level of Cal-Mag to bring it back to health.

B. Phosphorus Deficiency: You need to add a fertilizer with a high P number.

C: Intelligence Deficiency: You need to quit being lazy and check your pH regularly, or you'll never know when it starts drifting back down to unacceptable levels.

Pencils down. Did everyone get the right answer?
I've been guilty of option C too many times and that seems far too familiar to me. I choose "C" also but actually "C" can cause "A" to be true also but more rather there might be some magnesium defiency going due to too low pH? It would be hard to tell since your plants have been going through all kind of things lately and I am suffering from "C" too often.
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