Harvest & Curing Boveda pack question

They last a long long time when used to hold the humidity. I have had some last over 6 months in jars. I used the larger packets. You just have to get your RH correct before using them. You dont want to use them to cure the weed just to keep the Proper RH when storing long term.
I buy the large 62% Boveda's . First I hang dry till around 65% rh. Jar them for 8-12 hrs w/ hygrometer ... if any more than 65% I place the buds single layer on a paper plate and leave uncovered in the dark w/ no moving air. At 45% rh in house I lose about 5% when left out over night. Jar again for long enough to determine rh and if 65% or below I'll toss in a 62% pack and burp daily for a couple weeks to allow the off gassing of strong smells and any spare humidity ... I have jars that have held the same large Boveda pack for over a year and they are still working fine. When I cure I aim for getting my rh down to 65% inside of a week and then leaving it at 62%-65% w/ a Boveda pack from that point on. If a Boveda pack dries out it can be recharged by placing in an area of higher humidity ... I recharge my packs by closing them up w/ some jarred trimmings and they fatten right up w/ weed moisture.

I used the packs. Kept the rh at 62 and after about a week the rh drop to about 57% so I took the packet out and the rh went back up, then it dropped to 59 so I blew hot air in the two jars until the glass got foggy then I closed it up and the rh jumped to 65%, so for now on that's how I'm gonna add moisture to the buds.
I used the packs. Kept the rh at 62 and after about a week the rh drop to about 57% so I took the packet out and the rh went back up, then it dropped to 59 so I blew hot air in the two jars until the glass got foggy then I closed it up and the rh jumped to 65%, so for now on that's how I'm gonna add moisture to the buds.

Were you using the 62 paks? Interesting that it dropped your rh to 57
I just ordered myself 3 of the 60g, 62% packs for my buds which are currently drying. Couple of things I was wondering, can the boveda pack touch the buds, or is there any reason to try to keep them from touching? Also should you take the buds out of the jar from time to time to make sure they are good? Or can you just leave them to cure once you have got the RH down to 60-65%?
I used the packs. Kept the rh at 62 and after about a week the rh drop to about 57% so I took the packet out and the rh went back up, then it dropped to 59 so I blew hot air in the two jars until the glass got foggy then I closed it up and the rh jumped to 65%, so for now on that's how I'm gonna add moisture to the buds.

Might be a good idea to check the function of your hygrometer ... a poorly functioning hygrometer will cost you money and hurt your harvest ... I have 3 cheap hygrometers that all have the same reading and two more quality ones that read 10% higher .... I'm able to determine accuracy by closing them in a jar w/ a Boveda pack and seeing which ones read the proper rh ... :joint:

No problem w/ Boveda pack touching weed ... I try to keep it on one side of the jar but it usually ends up all tumbled together ... :group:
Once in the jars for long enough to be past the burping stage you can leave them in the jars or remove them occasionally, whichever you please. Better to handle the bud as little as possible, but it's your weed. I have jars here that haven't been emptied since they were filled and others that I pull the bud out of regularly. You'll get the hang of it real quick. Even w/o a Boveda pack once weed is down to 60-65% it will stay in that range for months in a sealed glass jar kept in cool temperatures ... the Boveda pack allows you to not worry about the rh in a sealed jar for 6 month to over a year. In a jar that gets opened a dozen times a day a Boveda pack gets used up quicker, depending on the rh in the house.