Indoor Boo'sBuds DP Auto Ultimate LED Grow

but the mrs isnt home : )
woooaaahhh you supercropped the main stem ya fuckin madman! haha i love a bit of plant abuse mate but i dont think id ever have the cojones for that one. kudos man!
awesome lookin sheila you got there too!
im always annoyed when i see how everyone else that does lst produces lovely symetrical plants and mine still just do whatever the hell they want, tie themselves in knots and drive my ocds mental lol.
have you sussed what causes the droopy leaves yet? thats one i find confusing as most say its over watering. im being forced to learn soil growing quickly as of a few days ago and know absolutely nothing about it but im good with hydro. however, in hydro, you cant over water. its literally impossible in dwc and only just possible if you do it on purpose in nft. when sad leaf syndrome happens to me it means not enough oxygen in the roots. so is it maybe that this term 'overwatering' as such is actually that the water sits for too long in the soil and loses the oxygen content? so technically the hydrogen content of the water would be higher wich i suppose you could call over watering but i know thats not what people mean.
anyway, could one possibly solve this by providing more oxygen to the root zone with some perylite and holes drilled in the side of the pot or one of these air bubble things i saw someone mention the other day?
sorry for ramblin but just off the nightshift n havent really spoken to anyone for 13 hours lol
Hahaha i was really sceptical but i braved it to get equal light for my buds :)
I actually believe i was underwatering her hence the droopy leaves lol but I've amended that now and she should be happy :) but yes airpots & light mix soil are always gonna improve the oxygen :) and of course good drainage is a must. I just use the fabric pots, they are good for root control and never stay wet for long :)

Xbox and wine after a night shift, sounds bliss mate! Enjoy :)

Here's Monica now after i topped up her water she seems perky again now :)


I think the droopy leaf thing in bloom is just a trait you see in certain canna, it's like they let the leaves drop so max light can get to the buds.

Got exact same thing on my latest, whereas the sister out the same pack that I just harvested would reach up and pray this one is generally droopy. They both had auto watering so genes is only explanation to me.

Great looking girl there Boo :clapper:
I think the droopy leaf thing in bloom is just a trait you see in certain canna, it's like they let the leaves drop so max light can get to the buds.

Got exact same thing on my latest, whereas the sister out the same pack that I just harvested would reach up and pray this one is generally droopy. They both had auto watering so genes is only explanation to me.

Great looking girl there Boo :clapper:
I did have a feeling that it was a natural thing for them to do coz all 4 plants ive grown, all have drooped around the same time.

A bit of piece of mind tho thanks jay :)

Can you tell me what those tag things are eg. :clapper: lol and what they do, it would be good to start using them :)

I did have a feeling that it was a natural thing for them to do coz all 4 plants ive grown, all have drooped around the same time.

A bit of piece of mind tho thanks jay :)

Can you tell me what those tag things are eg. :clapper: lol and what they do, it would be good to start using them :)


Just emoticons, depends what u looking at forum on, I don't use tapatalk but know it has diff ones than the desktop/mobile site.

Should be a little smiley icon above where u type your message in. :pighug::toke:

Day 50- (yesterday) so today she got a good plain watering with 1.5ml Sensi cal-mag/L in 4.5 Litres :) PH run-off was perfect again at 6.6/7 but i do have discoloration on the tops, any ideas guy? Red/purple on the leaf edges. This has happened the same to all my grows, not sure if its natural or im doing something wrong with my light probably lol

Monica is more like a grizzly bear these days tho after her supercrop :) she's starting to put on the bud now [emoji7]

what do you guys think?


Hey @SensiJay :)

I haven't amended the amount of water i give her yet, i just wanted to double check first.

This is how she looks after yesterday's water, do you think the amount was enough?

She's still looks wilting a little on the supercropped branch but the rest looks perky again.

Any thoughts would be great :)

Shes gonna love it .......[emoji271] [emoji123] [emoji123] [emoji123] [emoji268]

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What up Boo, what temps are you running in the tent? We been having some cold nights in the UK recently, purpling usually is due to the lil lady getting chilly, though looks like u got bit of tip burn so could just be you maxing out the nutes also. :shrug: