Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds - Berry Bomb

May 20, 2016
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Hello all, this is my first grow thread but I've noticed a lack of Berry Bomb experience being shared online so I figured I'd make this offering.

I have 2 Berry Bomb autos growing in about 3 gallons of coco/perlite mixed.
I'm using GH 3 part flora nutes. I'm not following their feeding schedule exactly but I've chosen to let it guide me a little more as I'm learning what I'm doing.

I sprouted these little girls in solo cups then transplanted them after a couple weeks to the fabric pots. I suspect that the transplant was a little traumatic for them but I can't say for sure.

I veg under t5 tubes and these spent their first month there. They will spend the rest of their days growing under cxb3590s in a DIY COB fixture.
Didn't realize that I made this in the CannaZone Live Product Testing forum. If this isn't ok, please move it to an appropriate channel. I saw Bomb Seeds while browsing and jumped on it.
Didn't realize that I made this in the CannaZone Live Product Testing forum. If this isn't ok, please move it to an appropriate channel. I saw Bomb Seeds while browsing and jumped on it.

Hey I highly doubt it will be an issue...'tis bomb seeds category after all!! Good luck on your grow! DIY cobs nice!
Your thread is very welcome in the Bomb Seeds section...
I've recently harvested 2 Berry Bomb Autos which smelled and tasted amazing... I think you'll be happy...:pass:
Week 1 - Sprouts:

I popped 2 Berry Bomb and 2 Blue Dream Autos together.

I've been on a blind Blue Berry hunt for decades so last year I decided to take things into my own hands. Well, 20+ blueberry failures later (bad genetics?), this is where I'm at presently
To explain my "hunt" a little better; one of my most memorable, favorite highs was from a batch of blueberry I had bought in the 90's and so every time I've hooked up since then I've requested blueberry and I've rarely been able to get it. Sometimes a connection will say they've got it but the fact is, you rarely know what you're getting from your friendly neighborhood fresh produce supplier and truthfully, that first time might not have been a blueberry either (although it certainly had the smell).
Back around 2007 I got something from a connection called "Mango Blues" which I really liked. I've never found anything since that is named similarly but it certainly helped to flame my blueberry desires. In learning a little more about genetics, I'm of the mind that the Mango Blues was probably something put out when Blue Dream was first making a splash and it was likely a comparable Blueberry + Sativa combo.
Regardless, the only reasonable way I can conclude to move forward is to find as close to a true blueberry as possible, try a few phenos and see if I get what I expected. Well I started with a 10 pack of ragular seeds and started them in hydro as my first ever real, focussed grow and ultimately failed. Bought more, failed again. Got some seeds from a local breeder who claimed they were straight blueberry originating from DJShort but interbred a few generations. Failed a few more times to flower and decided to bail on them and find a better starting point.
I considered that I might just suck but while my blueberries were failing, I was successfully growing and harvesting other auto strains so I couldn't conclude that it was all my fault. The autos I was working with were from Crop King Seeds via their northern lights and candy cane. The Candy Cane is presently a personal favorite and I want to continue to play with their genetics so I have one of them going with these 4 as well. 1 thing I will say about the CKS autos, they' grow fast and big and I've been incredibly impressed. The Cany Cane I popped is double the size and 2 weeks younger than these 4 blues and I'd have to say the speed and vigor has been uniform across all of their autos to date.

So after reading plenty more, I read some suggestions that Berry Bomb is about as great of an example of blueberry as you can find out there if you're looking for the aroma but some added potency and vigor so I figured I'd give this a shot. Reading all the positive reviews of HSO Blue Dream, I thought I'd try their auto as well in hopes of getting something as enjoyable as that ol' mango blues was.

So back story concluded, I shall continue with this rough and not too detailed grow journal for my Berry Bomb Autos. I will not include the blue dream in this thread out of respect for the appreciated and respected Bomb Seeds, however there will inevitably be a pair of blue dream (and possibly a candy cane) in a few of these pics.
Week 4. I transplanted right before this. Generally I will transplant a solo cup straight into a 3 gallon pot without issue but these seem to have taken exception and stopped growing a bit.


I've had the weird twisting in the first leaf on a number of my failed Blueberries of last winter.
Week 5. Virtually no growth. I suspect it's all root growth this week, filling up the ~3 gallons of coco/perlite in these 5 gallon bags.


Week 6. They seem to have recovered finally and likely done some decent root growth to start getting some action above the coco.

Group shot. Candy Cane is the tall middle one. It's in week 4 at this point. Berry Bombs on the left, Blue Dream on the right.