Beautiful plants dudes.. I can't wait for the auto mazar battle. Still think it's too early to decide who wears the gimp suit though... 
A bit off topic but the pots piqued my interest too, my biggest worry with them was running a soil-less medium and and having all of the water just squirt out all over the place. I see with your little rack / tote contraption this isn't that much of a worry if I have extra.. hmm.. I've been doing a lot of reading on soil less air pots vs hempy traditional and the results seem to be about the same.. soo my question was, are there any grows on here where the grower uses air pots + soilless medium? I googled and used the search function but didn't get anywhere.. maybe I'm not using the right string of words?

A bit off topic but the pots piqued my interest too, my biggest worry with them was running a soil-less medium and and having all of the water just squirt out all over the place. I see with your little rack / tote contraption this isn't that much of a worry if I have extra.. hmm.. I've been doing a lot of reading on soil less air pots vs hempy traditional and the results seem to be about the same.. soo my question was, are there any grows on here where the grower uses air pots + soilless medium? I googled and used the search function but didn't get anywhere.. maybe I'm not using the right string of words?