SSSC Bob's SSSC Grow - Auto Ellephant

Bob's Auto's

On a breeding journey...
Cultivators Club
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
The current harvest
Hey Fellow growers,

As one of the few lucky ones I get to grow something special from SSSC. In honour of this occasion I'm logging this for future reference.
The good, the bad and the ugly everything will be shown right here. If I f#ck up this grow it'll most certain not be the fault of bad genetics, but lets stay positive and you will all be in for a treat, myself most of all as the rewards of finishing this the right way will give me something I haven't had since the 90's...

But enough fan talk (There will be more, I most certainly can promise you guys that) and let's get going with this thread. :woohoo1:

Yesterday I let lady luck decide and which ever seed fell out of the baggie I used. I put that one seed into a shot glass with some ph'ed water and today on 420 I placed the hydrated seed into a Jiffy plug. It'll take a couple of days for the seed to emerge so bear with me on this one as patience isn't one of my virtues and I promise I'll be checking the plug multiple times a day :shrug:




p.s. Send lady luck my way so she can blow a kiss over my Jiffy plug :growing:
p.s.2. This one's for the SSSC crew. Hartelijk dank voor de zaden en de opportuniteit om één van de eerste te zijn die deze nieuwe soort kan kweken. Ik hoop dat ik jullie trots mag maken!!
Day 8:

Hey Fellow growmies,

I repotted the little lady into her final pot. A 20gallon fabric pot.
Filled the pot with 70 - 80% Coco and 20 - 30% Perlite. Halve of the mix is recuperated from last years grow.

Auto Ellephant





Good luck with the grow mate, I will be interested to see how the grow goes, and how the bud works. :biggrin:
Thanks mate. I'm also very curious about the bud, but first I'll need to get the lady that far ;)
The first night in the greenhouse was a succes. Temperatures didn't go below 9°C thanks to the gasheater I have installed. :woohoo:
Day 10:

Thirs day in the greenhouse. Although it's been a rainy day she's a happy camper so far. I needed to fire up the heater a couple hours earlier then normal because I wanted the temps to be above 10°C. Among other things I also record the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse. I forgot to do that last season and won't make the same mistake again...In the screenshot below you'll see the graph from the last 24 hours.

I gave her a drink until run-off with a nutrient solution according the MC recipe. I adjusted the pH to 5.95 and the final solution was about 500ppm.
Of course a picture from the little lady had to made and shared here :smokeout:

