SSSC Bob's tribute to Karel, the SSSC and BioTabs - Growing AK47 x Karel's Haze x Auto & Afghan x Northern Lights x Auto

Hey Friends :bighug:

As I told you guys in my Dutch Passion thread, I trimmed everything up nicely and put it into jars for curing...
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It took me about two and a half hours to trim her up real guuud....And needed both plates while trimming... :eyebrows:
The picture below was during a well deserved smoke break and this was after approx. 3.5 hours of trimming done and still 2.5 to go :yoinks: which I wasn't expecting at that moment, but hey...I had dabs and a couple of movies while I was busy clipping away with the scissors.
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And so now...without further adue...:coffee:
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So it kept switching between 268 and 269gr...Let's say for arguments sake it's 268 :woohoo1:
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Nicely oated with crystals... :drool:
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And a couple more for good measure.
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Bob :toke:

Well done brother! Massive haul! :clapper::clapper::clapper:
Keep it up:pighug:
And I was so sure 250gr was one pond. LOL
I'm such a real dumbass!!

Haha you learned something again..

But not having the correct idea about lbs/kg is actually a common mistake and it comes from the differences in our metric system.
In the Netherlands, and Belgium too, we say a pound (een pond) is 500grams, while a pound/lbs is actually 453g (+-), so where we say there goes 2 pounds in a kg, in the other metric system it is actually 2,2 pound that goes into 1kg. 2 pound is then shy of 0,91kg.

All that mathematics...better listen to Mos Def to understand this shitttttt:crying:

Peace out :baked:
Haha you learned something again..

But not having the correct idea about lbs/kg is actually a common mistake and it comes from the differences in our metric system.
In the Netherlands, and Belgium too, we say a pound (een pond) is 500grams, while a pound/lbs is actually 453g (+-), so where we say there goes 2 pounds in a kg, in the other metric system it is actually 2,2 pound that goes into 1kg. 2 pound is then shy of 0,91kg.

All that mathematics...better listen to Mos Def to understand this shitttttt:crying:

Peace out :baked:

Oh, that Mighty Mos Def is cool!!
Hey Friends :toke:

A couple of hot days are coming our way. So I treated all the plants with some Boom Boom Spray today. This will give some extra protection to the plants in the days ahead...
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 74

Four to five weeks to go seems to be spot on, what do you guys think?
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 74

That fruity Northern Lights smell is bliss, but we know this will go away while drying and curing. Still lovely to smell it while she grows.
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 74

Still fresh pistils everywhere. Fatten up my sweeties ♥ ♥
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 74


Bob :toke:
Found a wee bit of aphids on one bud on this lady. But removed them while plucking infected leaves from that bud...Unless it get's worse I'm not inclined to spray again. :drunks:
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 76

All the other buds look fine and are swelling up nicely even though there also fresh pistils being grown...
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 76

Trichome coverage is also very nice on all of the buds...:coffee:
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 76

No lower larfy stuff on this lady as she only has the six cola's which are covered from top to bottom with these perfect sized buds. Not to small as people like to see a primo bud, but also not to big as not to attract mold. :thumbsup:
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 76


Bob :toke:
Those buds are looking awesome Bob. I can smell the NL from here...
Yeah, she's freakin' frosty as sh!t and still has +20 days to go...go figure! :yay:
Can't wait to press me some rosin out of that bud :woohoo1:
Buds - AK47 x Karel's Haze x AF
Hey friends :cheers:

Tonight I've trimmed my AK47 x Karel's Haze x Autoflower cross and boy-o-boy is that plant a stinker. Smelled like a wet dog farted in the livingroom. :gassy1:
I also had to cut out the infected pieces which were mainly the thight top buds...

What was left over was mold free. I took no chances and removed any bud that showed the slightest white spec on it.

On the left about 1/3 of the infected buds and twigs.

After trimming what was left over filled my jar nicely and that's what it's all about brothers and sisters :stir:

Took the jar to my study and weight everything. The scales kept jumping between 49 and 50gr so with the bud I snook before I put away the jar, let's say 49gr of primo super stinky and while she is still fresh oily buds :headbang:

Chockfull with trichomes...And have I told you about the smell...After trimming either the smell of a farting dog disapated or I've gotten used to it so much I can't smell it no more. Either way, A very chemical fuely smell. The bud I smoked had a very peppery taste to it, but with a good curing this will get more toned down...You'll see :biggrin:




When the buds were about 1min in the jar. Of course this isn't a right representation of the real humidity, but I always like to show of my curing jar hack :coffee:

I hope you liked todays post, because I sure did creating it :jointman:


Bob :toke:
Hey Friends :cheers:

Got another late night update from within the greenhouse...So get your sunglasses ready :woohoo1:
This very large Indica cross from SSSC is growing amazing. Although her fan leaves are being cannibalized for the starches they contain, I'm not worried at all. This behavior seems to be classic for growing with BioTabs and would probably be solved by plugging another BioTab in the soil around the 20 day mark, but as I want to reuse my soil I don't want it to hot for my seedlings. Adding another BioTab that doesn't get used up entirely will only add to the amount of nutrients already remaining in the soil. And this way the plant uses up the stored nutrients and I'll probably won't have a problem with extended flower because of to much nutrients...This cultivar is already a long one because of the NL genetics as she still has approx. 24 days to go.
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 79

Nice rock hard buds. Looking perfect already!!!
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 79

And loads of them...Can't wait to be trimming this lady in jars. :coffee:

Another classic revived by SSSC. A good old Northern Lights with some added Afghan...This is where cookies must come from, the smell is just...


Bob :toke:
Hey friends :bighug:

All is well inside the greenhouse...This Afghan x NL cross is fading nicely towards the ending of her lifecycle.
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 81

Her buds are looking really nice and there are plenty of them...
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 81

I should be starting to look at her pistils, but according to my calendar she still has plenty of time on her dancecard...
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 81

Three weeks to be exact amounting to a stagering 100 days! Then her harvest window should be open for about ten days.
This shall be by far, the longest I will have kept an auto alive :haha:
Afghan x Northern Lights x AF - day 81

Ya'll have a nice day and :thanks: for reading my thread. :d5:


Bob :toke: