Bob's search for the real White Widow with Dutch Passion's regular genetics

Day 41
  • Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

    Most of the clones seem to be taking off.
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    Only the GHS clone has died. :deadhorse:
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    Some are slowly regaining their normal color.
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    While others still have a way to go. :shrug:
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    I've slowly been adjust the light and we're are at 30Moles DLI currently, this is measured on the outside. This is because the light is on 24/7 that the DLI is that high. I want to set the lighting to 18/6 asap, but to do that I need the light to be a little bit higher so the DLI is still ar a decent level. If I adjust for the 18 hours the DLI would be 22.5Moles which I find is at to low a level...🤔

    Speaking of DLI. These ladies are only receiving 25Moles and that's measured from the center at half the plant height. Haven't changed the lighting yet and the plants are growing like crazy :woohoo:
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    They are nice and healthy. 👌
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    And with the two fans blowing inside in opposite directions there is no stale air. That's for sure. :thumbsup:
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    Only lot's and lot's of shoots to choose from... :shooty:
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    To end today's post here's a time lapse from the clones.
    This is from the time I repotted them into the P9's until today. At day two I sprayed them with BoomBoom spray. I forgot to mention this earlier :shrug:
    Speed = 30fps, duration = 104 hours. Enjoy :thanks: :pop:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 44
  • Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

    My large fabric pot arrived yesterday and so I went to work with today. I had time until 11 o'clock because then the lights would shut off and finished the job with only two minutes to spare :muahaha:
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    Didn't fill the pots to the brim as I felt the amount of soil that went into it was more then enough. Don't need big plants, but do need that bit more soil so they'll have enough food until harvest.
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    My nematodes also arrived and got mixed up in a watering spout and generously poured all over the soil.
    The mother/father tent next door has got some serious gnat infestation which of course did spread over to this tent. So every plant in the house got a dosing of the stuff, just to make sure all gnat larvae will be dealt with. In two weeks I'll order a new batch of nematodes and will treat all the plants again.
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    The plants inside this tent got watered with the airhose as I always use on these plants. This took way longer then just pouring water via a spout over the soil. But then, I don't have any trays underneath these pots because of the way they were stacked inside, so I need to be careful how I water these.
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    It's beginning to become quite crowded in the mother/father tent. Almost time to trim everyone up again and half their size.
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    Also in the undercarriage there are quite the amount of dead or dying leaves which need to be removed, but that will have to wait until the weekend. Until then they can manage. The extraction fan is doing it's job and humidity isn't over 72% even with the lights out :thumbsup:
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    That's all for today folks. See you next time :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 46 - Trimming the parent plants
  • Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

    It's weekend and as I promissed I would be trimming my parent plants back. Every cut made was just after a fresh node that had appeared ✂️
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    Compared with the last pictures, I can say they have been trimmed untill half their size. :thumbsup:
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    Still loads of potential nodes to harvast when neccesarry :coffee:
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    Also removed the damaged and wilted leaves, just to keep things clean.
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    And the treatment with the nematodes has significantly reduced the amount of flies bussing around.
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    And just found some nice pictures from transplanting the clones inside the fabric pot while I was cleaning up the time lapse pictures.
    Why not use these to show you guys how I went at it...
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    I used about 70L of my mixed soil inside the pot. But to get it up there I needed to devide the weight over several buckets...
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    Three 25L buckets was enough to fill the pots. Knowing that the clones inside won't be vegged for much longer. I tried to devide the plants over the squares. Not putting all the perty ones into one space. The thinking behind this is that half of them will be males and by dividing these "at random" I will be creating room for the remaining females inside all the squares.
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    Some of the clones did already fill their P9 pots with roots. And that's just A-ok. I also learned that not all shoots are the same. As you can see not all the plants look that very healthy, but since repotting them into the fabric pot they have gained some of that vibrant green. 👌
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    Two squares received 8 plants and the two others got 7 plants inserted.
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    After I was done transplanting I watered the soil with the watering spout, donating about 5-7L water with the nematodes added to them. Something went wrong as the company that sent me the nema's sent me another package with the same order. To keep karma in the wraps I contacted them and asked if I should sent it back. After one hour received a mail, thanking me for my hounesty and the message I could keep the extra nematodes. They are now inside the fridge as using these on the pots again wouldn't amount to anything.
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    Anywho, it's that time again and I have a doesy of a time lapse for you guys. Speed = 30fps, duration = 108 hours. Enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 50
  • How 'much' it will stretch depends on so many factors (like how big are the plants, what are the conditions, how are they treated etc. etc.) that it is hard to name a number. I think in general they will stretch 2-3 weeks after switching the clock to 12/12. These are compact, medium sized plants, normally with a decent amount of stretch.
    Ok, I'll let them grow and veg out for a while then. Since there's a lot of Sativa in this cultivar I thought it might have a higher then normal stretch. And I only have 140cm headroom. But for now we are golden...Plants are loving their new soil and have gained their color back. :thumbsup:
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    After the lights came on I watered all the plants. Had to use 25L water in total, but that's including the parents pot's. But more on that in a moment.
    This pot received 5L water with added molasses and stuff...
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    This soil soakes up water like a sponge. I "blame" the rice hulls...These create small openings everywhere and help aerate the soil and when watered helps the water penetrate deep into the soil.
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    Don't know if that small failure in the lower right corner is going to make it, but compared to all the others it is surely looking poor :shrug:
    Still I'm going to try my best to let it flower so we at least can determine the sex of this little one. :thumbsup:
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    Lovely to see such small plants with so many fingered leaves. I understand now why professional groweries prefer to work with photo's. When you've got your cloning skills under your belt it would be so easy to get a grow after a grow with these plants.
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    A couple of hours after watering, the plants have dried up nicely and stand erect again :coffee:
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    So yeah, I needed 20L to water all these pots until they stopped creating bubbles underneath the water. I did make use of this treatment to add another 10 Million nematodes to the mix as I still saw some gnats flying around. I felt I needed to rehydrate the soil every once in a while. I was limiting their water uptake of lately and this resulted in some dry patches in the soil. It was meant well as I tried to slow down growth on these plants. But by doing so, had to remedy the dry patches.
    So I used a 10L bucket and dunked each pot inside until bubbles stopped appearing on the surface. Then I set these in a tray to leach out the surplus water. Had to top up the bucket two times with 5L, so yup...20L in total was used.
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    The tent's floor was still clean enough, so no vacuuming done today. And again, loads of headroom to grow them shoots. And shoots, there are enough off! :shooty:
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    I have another time lapse from inside the "clone" tent. Speed = 30fps, duration = 66 hours. Enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 54 - First Trim for the Clones
  • Some great info and advice given here by all. Looking really good and live following this thread.
    For sure my friend! Loads of knowledgeable people here on the forum. ♥

    Checking my clones today...
    • Soil is ok. Not to wet, not to dry :thumbsup:
    • No gnats to be found, both inside the parent and the clone tent. :coffee:
    • Temperature and humidity a.k.a. VPD is in check.
    • Light is at 70%
    • Have activated the heatpad underneath the tray and set it to 25°C just to overcome the temperature difference between night and day.
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    The plants are showing loads of nice shoots. So lot's of places to start flowers :woohoo1:
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    Noticed quite an amount of leaves that were covering nodes in shade, so these had to go. Also underneath the foliage there were enough small leaves, shoots and debris that could be removed. This will help me in keeping the moisture levels inside the canopy at a normal level.
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    The first 9-finger leaves are starting to show, so that's a good sign. I know, bro-science, but I've always felt that the more fingers a cultivar has the more potent it is...
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    You can barely see the soil through the canopy, so I got to work with my trimming scissors.
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    About twenty minutes later this is what I was left with. No schwazzing yet, just opening the canopy so the lower shoots and smallest of plants would also get some of those hard needed foton's 💡
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    I know, it looks like a mess right now, but once the plants recover from me pushing them aside to get to all the spots were I wanted to remove something, they will open up nicely once again 🌸
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    And it's been again a couple of days since my last confession, euh time lapse, so today I've got a fresh one for you guys. I've stopped the timelapse just before I did the defoliation. Speed = 30 fps, duration = 100 hours. Enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke:

    @Antonio_DutchPassion @Marshydro @Cannaficionado @Corum59 @Crow River @DCLXVI @DOA @Doctor's Choice @Don't Fear the Reefer @Egg @Emerald Archer @FarmerJake @FullMoonparty @hecno @Hog_M@Gundy @JP1 @kfigerm @Lil Dab @Mañ'O'Green @MasonJarOG @Mozzy @Mossy @N/A-Greengo @parsing_trees @pop22 @R Wayne @Rasterman @Redeye Master @Rick Dirte' @Sawney_bean @St. Tom @tobe @Vapo @WildBill
    Day 59 - Switch to Flower...
  • Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

    The last couple of days the plants have been growing like crazy. They have grown so much into the light that I've now surpassed the 30 Moles of DLI I wanted for the 12/12 schedule. It seems that Photo's can endure a much closer distance to the lights then an Auto's would.
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    All the clones are chockful with nodes. I can only start to dream how they will fill up with flowers in the near future 🌸🌺🌼
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    Nice short internodal distances and healthy plants. What more can a guy ask for? :hump:
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    Even that little freak from early on is looking ok and producing leaves and stuff. Next defoliation will surely open up space for this one to stretch a bit more during those first three to four weeks of flower.
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    Top view...All healthy looking leaves. The top shoots are a bit light, but that just because the plants are having such a hard time following up with nutrients because of the accelerated growth. :woohoo1:
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    I've also noticed some appendages which almost look like female flowers.
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    I'm sure of one plant that shows a pistil. Sadly the picture I took was blurry, but I know I'll get it next time. The plant's number = C5
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    Another macro shot. Not exactly a female organ, but some might find this helpfull in helping decide what is and what isn't a premature sex organ. 🤞
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    Not completely sure this isn't a pistil, but it only has one thread....
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    Inside the parent tent it's all shoots galore. In two weeks time I've got so many shoots I don't know what to do with them... Thinking of taking some cuttings, root them and go on a hike in the woods and fields in the neighborhood. See what will happen with these by September :eyebrows: Just a thought :rofl:
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    All super healthy mommies and daddies, waiting to be selected or culled. They don't know this yet as I don't want to create a mass panic, but 75% of these plants will be turned into plantfood, thanks to @WildBill for giving me the idea. :pass:
    But we're not there for a long time to come, so I'd better keep 'm all healthy and producing shoots. 👌
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    One last shot of the parent tent...Ain't growing all Organic a blast?!!! :hump:
    The only thing I'm adding is my molasses mix to the water I'm giving. This is just plain tap water which has been standing for at least 24 hours to let the Chlorine evaporate. Nothing more, nothing less :cooldance:
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    Before I show you the latest time lapse, time for a bit of boring tent values...

    The DLI that's being shown should be halved (because this is calculated for 24/7 lights on) so I have at least 30 Mole left over, and I can still turn my light up by 30% if needbe.
    The VPD is exactly where I want it to be for this stage of growth. This will push the plants to evaporate more water to lower that VPD, which of course let's the plants take up nutrients along the way. And the more nutrients we can push inside these plants the more energy they will have to put into flowering.
    As it's already quite late when I'm writing this post, my missus has gone to bed and this is visisble by the high CO² count.
    If I put the sensor outside, it gives me a value of 450ppm. Inside the tent during the day with the windows open it still gives me around 800ppm, but as soon as we go to bed the co² rises to about 1200ppm. Combine this with the high temperature, the perfect VPD and high DLI, and you understand why these plants are growing like crazy.
    Still don't believe me? Have a look under this picture :muahaha:
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    Today's time lapse...I blabbered enough about it, so now the time to put my money where my mouth is...
    Speed = 30 fps, duration = 98 hours. Enjoy :pop::thanks:

    That's it for today my friends. Hope to see/hear from you very soon! And please don't feel shy to check in and ask questions, give me tips or let me know what I can do different :bighug:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 62 - Four Days into Flower
  • Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

    Am I glad that I didn't wait any longer to switch them to flower... In four days time they have doubled, some trippled in size!! :yoinks:
    Leaves everywhere, so a schwazzing will be scheduled in the weeks to come.
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    I do think I found my first male. Not quite sure though, so for now it can stay.
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    And found several females...
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    Later today, when the lights come on. I'm going to raise the light a wea bit, not to much though. Don't want to let them stretch more then they have to.
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    I've also started to give 'm 25ml/5L PK 5-8 mixture alongside the standard dose of 25ml of Molasse mix. The beneficials inside the PK 5-8 are specially selected for their ability to convert the raw Potassium & Phosphorus into useable food for the plants. Adding these to the soil at this time only makes sense!
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    And no time lapses for the time being. With the plants growing so fast I raised the camera and now have loads of footage with the topside of my light in frame. :doh::rofl:
    Going to have to wait until this evening when the lights come on to set everything up like it should. And then you'll have to wait a couple of days until I have enough footage...


    Bob :toke:
    Day 65 - One Week into Flower
  • Hey Growers & Blowers :toke:

    As you can see the clones have gone cuckoo for light in their stretch...OMG! Never expected such small plants to shoot skywards!! 🚀
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    Viewed from another angle 📐 Made a snip here and there... ✂️
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    And this is after I went to town with the scissors and also did a small defol to open up the canopy.
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    The bag above will first go in the microwave until dry and crisp, then I'll burn it and it's contents in the outside stove. Otherwise I have to use extra wood to turn it into ashes. :shrug:

    Defoliated some more...And found some of the 'male' persuasion...Snipped these on the base of the plant and removed the tag. I'm sure (it's statistics baby) more male's will turn up and as these show up, they will get a one way ticket to the stove.
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    These three are 100% male. 💯
    E4, I2 & E2
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    Well, that's it for today folks. Hope you enjoyed this read and remember, if you have something to add to this thread or would like to ask a question...Shoot away :shooty:


    Bob :toke:
    Last edited:
    Day 67 - Found another male.
  • Hey Growers & Blowers :toke:

    Today was watering day for the clones. Gave 'm 5L water with 25ml PK 5-8 added to it.
    Also checked out the damage from my trimming session yesterday, and while I cut quite the amount of material I feel I did the right thing.
    Also I found another male in the group. What do you think?
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    Not convinced? Maybe this picture will convince you...This is a bit lower on the plant.
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    And now focused on the flowers near the stem... That's definitely a male ♂️
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    This gent went the way of the Dodo...I cut his trunk near the soil and put him in a box...E4 has been added to the list of males, which stands at 4 now.
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    Oh, I also found a small plant that had died. So I need to run two or three plants again, but I do have an idea for these.
    Next run I'll be running clones from the males that will get their feminizing spray to show off their femininity. I'll also take a clone or three from the failed plants in this run. One clone of each will get treated with the males into the flower tent and the other clone(s) will go into small pots to sex, but without being treated with the Ethephon. If they are female they can stay, if they are male they must go.
    This way I should be able to know the sex ánd have a sample to test out from each and everyone. :smokeout:


    Bob :toke:
    Day 76 - Culled the Males
  • Hey Growers & Blowers :toke:

    Due to circumstances I was away from home for a while, but now I'm back 👌
    When I opened up the tent I saw all the plants were already flowering and so I could pick out the males inside the tent.
    They were with a lot and left the fabric pot quite empty. I don't have pictures from the males, but I do have one lengthy time lapse for you guys to watch.

    But before I show you the time lapse here are all the males' tags that were identified...12 males in all.
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    Today's time lapse will show you how much room the remaining females will get after culling the the males.
    Speed = 30fps, Duration = 258 hours. Enjoy :thanks:


    Bob :toke: