Bob's search for the real White Widow with Dutch Passion's regular genetics

I'm going to let them veg for a while until all the clones are looking fully in veg. Some do look like they're not taking off yet...
Also, I'm waiting on that 100L pot to put the clones in. It'll give 'm a bit more root space and nutrients to finish off.
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Sounds like a solid plan my friend.
Day 41
Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

Most of the clones seem to be taking off.
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Only the GHS clone has died. :deadhorse:
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Some are slowly regaining their normal color.
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While others still have a way to go. :shrug:
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I've slowly been adjust the light and we're are at 30Moles DLI currently, this is measured on the outside. This is because the light is on 24/7 that the DLI is that high. I want to set the lighting to 18/6 asap, but to do that I need the light to be a little bit higher so the DLI is still ar a decent level. If I adjust for the 18 hours the DLI would be 22.5Moles which I find is at to low a level...🤔

Speaking of DLI. These ladies are only receiving 25Moles and that's measured from the center at half the plant height. Haven't changed the lighting yet and the plants are growing like crazy :woohoo:
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They are nice and healthy. 👌
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And with the two fans blowing inside in opposite directions there is no stale air. That's for sure. :thumbsup:
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Only lot's and lot's of shoots to choose from... :shooty:
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To end today's post here's a time lapse from the clones.
This is from the time I repotted them into the P9's until today. At day two I sprayed them with BoomBoom spray. I forgot to mention this earlier :shrug:
Speed = 30fps, duration = 104 hours. Enjoy :thanks: :pop:


Bob :toke:
Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

Most of the clones seem to be taking off.
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Only the GHS clone has died. :deadhorse:
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Some are slowly regaining their normal color.
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While others still have a way to go. :shrug:
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I've slowly been adjust the light and we're are at 30Moles DLI currently, this is measured on the outside. This is because the light is on 24/7 that the DLI is that high. I want to set the lighting to 18/6 asap, but to do that I need the light to be a little bit higher so the DLI is still ar a decent level. If I adjust for the 18 hours the DLI would be 22.5Moles which I find is at to low a level...🤔

Speaking of DLI. These ladies are only receiving 25Moles and that's measured from the center at half the plant height. Haven't changed the lighting yet and the plants are growing like crazy :woohoo:
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They are nice and healthy. 👌
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And with the two fans blowing inside in opposite directions there is no stale air. That's for sure. :thumbsup:
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Only lot's and lot's of shoots to choose from... :shooty:
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To end today's post here's a time lapse from the clones.
This is from the time I repotted them into the P9's until today. At day two I sprayed them with BoomBoom spray. I forgot to mention this earlier :shrug:
Speed = 30fps, duration = 104 hours. Enjoy :thanks: :pop:
View attachment 1677472


Bob :toke:
You got a jungle over there my friend, looking nice
Day 44
Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

My large fabric pot arrived yesterday and so I went to work with today. I had time until 11 o'clock because then the lights would shut off and finished the job with only two minutes to spare :muahaha:
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Didn't fill the pots to the brim as I felt the amount of soil that went into it was more then enough. Don't need big plants, but do need that bit more soil so they'll have enough food until harvest.
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My nematodes also arrived and got mixed up in a watering spout and generously poured all over the soil.
The mother/father tent next door has got some serious gnat infestation which of course did spread over to this tent. So every plant in the house got a dosing of the stuff, just to make sure all gnat larvae will be dealt with. In two weeks I'll order a new batch of nematodes and will treat all the plants again.
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The plants inside this tent got watered with the airhose as I always use on these plants. This took way longer then just pouring water via a spout over the soil. But then, I don't have any trays underneath these pots because of the way they were stacked inside, so I need to be careful how I water these.
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It's beginning to become quite crowded in the mother/father tent. Almost time to trim everyone up again and half their size.
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Also in the undercarriage there are quite the amount of dead or dying leaves which need to be removed, but that will have to wait until the weekend. Until then they can manage. The extraction fan is doing it's job and humidity isn't over 72% even with the lights out :thumbsup:
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That's all for today folks. See you next time :thanks:


Bob :toke:
Day 46 - Trimming the parent plants
Hey Growers 'n Blowers :toke:

It's weekend and as I promissed I would be trimming my parent plants back. Every cut made was just after a fresh node that had appeared ✂️
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Compared with the last pictures, I can say they have been trimmed untill half their size. :thumbsup:
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Still loads of potential nodes to harvast when neccesarry :coffee:
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Also removed the damaged and wilted leaves, just to keep things clean.
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And the treatment with the nematodes has significantly reduced the amount of flies bussing around.
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And just found some nice pictures from transplanting the clones inside the fabric pot while I was cleaning up the time lapse pictures.
Why not use these to show you guys how I went at it...
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I used about 70L of my mixed soil inside the pot. But to get it up there I needed to devide the weight over several buckets...
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Three 25L buckets was enough to fill the pots. Knowing that the clones inside won't be vegged for much longer. I tried to devide the plants over the squares. Not putting all the perty ones into one space. The thinking behind this is that half of them will be males and by dividing these "at random" I will be creating room for the remaining females inside all the squares.
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Some of the clones did already fill their P9 pots with roots. And that's just A-ok. I also learned that not all shoots are the same. As you can see not all the plants look that very healthy, but since repotting them into the fabric pot they have gained some of that vibrant green. 👌
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Two squares received 8 plants and the two others got 7 plants inserted.
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After I was done transplanting I watered the soil with the watering spout, donating about 5-7L water with the nematodes added to them. Something went wrong as the company that sent me the nema's sent me another package with the same order. To keep karma in the wraps I contacted them and asked if I should sent it back. After one hour received a mail, thanking me for my hounesty and the message I could keep the extra nematodes. They are now inside the fridge as using these on the pots again wouldn't amount to anything.
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Anywho, it's that time again and I have a doesy of a time lapse for you guys. Speed = 30fps, duration = 108 hours. Enjoy :thanks:


Bob :toke:
what a crowd!
Please be careful not to catch mold in between the cloth and the tent - looks narrow and not aerated well. Could become a too moist place over time and a harbour to many ugly things. But if it works it's a great way to use up all available space for massive roots.
So much effort and also so much success! Great work mate!