Seed Stockers Bob's attempt at Wedding Glue - Seedstockers Solo Cup Challenge 2021

I havent tried topping a solo but my latest Jack Herer solo is on the tall and lanky side. It makes her a bit unstable when the cup get light. I have been topping my bigger grows just to keep them short. I will probably top my WG solo if she hits her stride before the 18 day mark. Worse case i will just pitch the top of the stem to stiffle the upward growth but not really effect mometum.
You're welcome Mom ♥ ♥ ♥

Today I was back amongst the living, albeit rather slowly and after a good cup of coffee :coffee2:
After work I was able to take my time with the girls checking them out and looking for any problems.
The Wedding Glue is going like a rocket. Standing firm at everything I throw at her.

She's fed about 150ml, twice a day, but I leave it in the Autopot tray for them to suck up...
Wedding Glue - day 15
View attachment 1393386

I'm still doubting if I should top her? What do you guys think? :smokeout:
Wedding Glue - day 15
View attachment 1393387



@St. Tom @WildBill @arty zan @Frank the Dank @hope2grow @The Mugwamp @DCLXVI @Minime2020 @indicalla @JSH1973 @THE BEAR @Ryno_nuggs @Daipot @Sour D @Jpkindbud @DDubs @Suki813 @greeninNY @The Bedroom Gardener UK @SOOTDAWG @AJrexxx @dankstyle J @Dank Nuggets @MassMom @MrAutoGrower @YoungGrassh0pper @nizmoKush @shumway @Perpetually Automatic @Vapo

When ever asked the question I always say top. Now with that said I was actually going to let mine go....go figure.

All joking aside I usually top when I know she is going to get real tall. Then I can do this.
Solo Cup #2.jpg
When ever asked the question I always say top. Now with that said I was actually going to let mine go....go figure.

All joking aside I usually top when I know she is going to get real tall. Then I can do this.
View attachment 1393421

Top drawer solo right there my friend :d5: :worship:
Momentarily I'm using the Yi 4K action camera, but the lens has a scratch right in the middle resulting in a blurry spot...
I told my wife this yesterday and low and behold...She told me to order a new one for Christmas :yay:
Which I did immediately before she changed her mind :crying:
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Also ordered myself a replacement lens for the YI so in the future I can use it exclusively for my drone. Will be a B!t#c to replace though :shrug:
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After seeing the latest timelapse I couldn't stay away from the tent. Went up there and removed the dried up leaves and because all of you like 'm so much also took some pictures :kiss:
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Wedding Glue - day 12
View attachment 1392360


She is a keeper...and the plant too. Love the time lapse.
Temperature and humidity have been perfect if I say so myself. It started out very high after watering yesterday, but soon dropped to the perfect VPD

Plant growth was astonishing!!!
Temperature and humidity have been perfect if I say so myself. It started out very high after watering yesterday, but soon dropped to the perfect VPD
View attachment 1393744

Plant growth was astonishing!!!

Are these 24hr timelapses bro? I love how you add these timelapses. It’s nice for us to see, and teaches how important VPD is for good yields
Are these 24hr timelapses bro? I love how you add these timelapses. It’s nice for us to see, and teaches how important VPD is for good yields
Yes, there and about. Could be an hour or so off, but it shows how active they get once the VPD is spot on :thumbsup:
Would be cool if I could import the humidity/temperature chart from Blynk to those clips...mhmmm food for thought :cheers:
Yes, there and about. Could be an hour or so off, but it shows how active they get once the VPD is spot on :thumbsup:
Would be cool if I could import the humidity/temperature chart from Blynk to those clips...mhmmm food for thought :cheers:
I know with the one I have you can export to .csv, which would be easy enough to convert to a graph/chart.
I've been trying to that for four hours now :coffee2:
Going to say quits for today and go on tomorrow. I think the problem lies in the fact that I have to many datapoints. On for every minute. As I take only one still shot every 5 min a datapoint should also be needed every 5min. So I now need to figure out how to remove every 4 rows keep the next one and remove 4 rows, rinse and repeat.... pffff.... Thought this was going to be easy :rofl:

I'll kick it's ass, but now need to go to bed. :toke:
I've been trying to that for four hours now :coffee2:
Going to say quits for today and go on tomorrow. I think the problem lies in the fact that I have to many datapoints. On for every minute. As I take only one still shot every 5 min a datapoint should also be needed every 5min. So I now need to figure out how to remove every 4 rows keep the next one and remove 4 rows, rinse and repeat.... pffff.... Thought this was going to be easy :rofl:

I'll kick it's ass, but now need to go to bed. :toke:
Which program are you working in?