Seed Stockers Bob's attempt at Wedding Glue - Seedstockers Solo Cup Challenge 2021

Your EC meter is nearly spot on with my calculations and you are feeding way too much for Autos. Half of that is plenty.

Your EC meter is nearly spot on with my calculations and you are feeding way too much for Autos. Half of that is plenty.

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Are you quoting PPM or µS/cm? Because my meter is showing µS/cm in the picture. When I put the EC pen into PPM mode it should show about half of that value. Last night I mixed 10L of solution (EC 993µS or 496ppm - pH 5.87). Is that double of what I should give? If so, that's been a stupid mistake on my behalve :wall:.

Thanks for looking along buddy!! :cheers:


Any suggestion guys? Was thinking at flushing the cup with 1L of nutrient mix? MC 2-part 1000µS/cm (500ppm) and pH of 5.85.
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The mix I've been using now...And this was diluted from 4 liter to 7 liter. ie, I added nutrients for 4L and added 3L more water. So I'll be mixing for 4L and dilute to 8L. Then I'll probably will end up with around 1000µS/cm'ish.
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This is how she looks now @ day 49
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my best advice is I know its a ballache but make sure daily shes getting plenty of run off that's your best thing to stop lockouts etc but make sure shes not sat in it if that makes sense bro
my best advice is I know its a ballache but make sure daily shes getting plenty of run off that's your best thing to stop lockouts etc but make sure shes not sat in it if that makes sense bro
Yeah, I was thinking the same. I've raised the solocups about an inch/2cm above the tray so any runoff doesn't stay in contact with the roots...
Seems you can overwater coco that way :doh:
Morning hon! Take what I say with a grain of salt...but I think 11g for 10L (2G) might be a little too high. Plus, these ladies are VERY touchy. :yoinks:
I never go above 700ppm with autos....and the one time I did it was with a voracious eating gorilla glue. I usually max at about 600-650PPM.
My current Wedding Glue solo cup lady is maxed now at 650...and if I try to go over she tells me INSTANTLY she doesnt like it.
Maybe try flushing with a 600 PPM feed, then continue feeding her the 600 with lots of runoff? MC is rather "salty" and with that PPM you
are showing I bet there is a lockout or something....especially in a little solo cup with a very finicky strain :biggrin:
P.S. All of the MC feed charts are for photoperiod. I do half of what is shown for autos.
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Morning hon!
Hey Mom ♥ ♥ ♥

Take what I say with a grain of salt...but I think 11g for 10L (2G) might be a little too high. Plus, these ladies are VERY touchy. :yoinks:
I never go above 700ppm with autos....and the one time I did it was with a voracious eating gorilla glue. I usually max at about 600-650PPM.
My current Wedding Glue solo cup lady is maxed now at 650...and if I try to go over she tells me INSTANTLY she doesnt like it.
You are correct in the assumption that this mix is to hot. But, when I talk about the EC value I always use the µS/cm scale instead of PPM. Why... well that's because there are three scales for PPM (ppm500 scale, ppm650 scale and the ppm700 scale). I find this confusing and have always wondered why people use them when there is a universal (µS/cm) where all those scales are calculated from.
Having said that, my EC pen falls into the PPM500 scale and all my values should be halved. ie, when I measure 1000µS/cm I really mean 500ppm.

Maybe try flushing with a 600 PPM feed, then continue feeding her the 600 with lots of runoff? MC is rather "salty" and with that PPM you
are showing I bet there is a lockout or something....especially in a little solo cup with a very finicky strain :biggrin:
Yesterday evening I mixed a flush solution of 993µS/cm or 496ppm

And a BIG hug to you to for caring :bighug:

P.S. All of the MC feed charts are for photoperiod. I do half of what is shown for autos.
You are correct again and I think there was a miscommunication on my side not making it clear I'm not using the ppm scale when I type µS/cm. This all can be a bit confusing isn't it :doh:

Later tonight I'll be posting a new timelapse and I can tell you already that the plants are responding very well to the the new treatment. I've raised the solocups by an inch above the tray so they are not standing in their own runoff and the solution got even more diluted then before. Before it was around 1200µS/cm or 600ppm and as of yesterday it's 993µS/cm or 496ppm (ppm500 scale). I've also lowered the pH from 6.10'ish to 5.85. That's still in the right range for nutrient uptake in coco, but favors the uptake of Nitrogen so the leaves get their building blocks a bit faster. That's why you will see the leaves go from drooping to a nice horizontal placement. Now I just need to get some color in them, but I assume this will come in time.

I think my problem was/is pH related and came from the cups standing in their own runoff. As the water in the runoff evaporates the solution get's more and more concentrated, but also the pH changes and will shoot up above 6.20. This will cause and have done so, nutrient lockout as some of you suggested.
This is all a learning game for me and I've learned yet again a valuable lesson :thumbsup:


Hey friends!! :joy:

I'm in a happy mood tonight. The plants are responding really well to the new treatment. Wet feet is a no-no!!
I've cut the bottoms off some smaller cups and use them as a standoff for the solocups.

Luckely the plants above are stuck in the trellis so this stabilizes things quite a bit.

Don't know if she fully recovers before harvest, but a harvest is surely written in the near future :thumbsup:
Wedding Glue - day 50

But a picture tells only so much, so I made a zoomed in timelapse from the Wedding Glue. You can clearly see her sighing a breath of relief :goodluck:


Bob :toke:

p.s. I whish to thank all of you for the support and help you have offered. Keep it up AFN Fam. :bighug:
Hey Guys,

Not much to report *smirk* :eyebrows: .
She just got a wee bit thirsty Saturday night...
Wedding Glue - day 53

...But kept on stretching even while young Fat Pete's next to her wilted away...
It is true what they say..."The older they get the less they drink" :yoinks:

