Seed Stockers Bob's attempt at Wedding Glue - Seedstockers Solo Cup Challenge 2021

Hey there fellow growers!!

Another day has past for my Wedding Glue and that's about all what I can say about it. Bud site's enough, but the plant isn't doing much. All I can say is, I won't be doing solocups anytime soon. To much that can go wrong to fast. But let's stay positive and hope for a big harvest :crying:


And last but not least of todays Wedding Glue. Some of the new leaves starting to darken in color and if I'm not mistaken this could be due to the fact I'm adding the bud booster to the nutrient solution or because I cleaned out my tray, but let's hope this trent continues and she pulls thru.
For those of you that don't know yet. Read here:coffee2:

This wedding Glue is full on in flower. Together with the Amnesia and Port & Stilton she's getting extra Bud Booster to aid in flowering. I've just began to do this a couple of day ago and in the same diluted form as my MC recipe as to preserve the ratio in which the nutrients are made up. She might look light-colored, but will make bud :thumbsup:
Wedding Glue Auto - day 47


Bob :toke:
Hey guys,

Should I raise the PK on this a tad more? She's already getting a higher dose together with all the other flowering girls, but I feel she's not responding to it like the others??? She stays pale compared with the Purple Kush, which is responding to the higher PK with nice and lush leaves... What do you guys think?
Wedding Glue Auto - day 48


Hey guys,

Should I raise the PK on this a tad more? She's already getting a higher dose together with all the other flowering girls, but I feel she's not responding to it like the others??? She stays pale compared with the Purple Kush, which is responding to the higher PK with nice and lush leaves... What do you guys think?
Wedding Glue Auto - day 48
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I'm not sure mate, to be honest but my go-to man is @Mañ'O'Green for anything feed related
They look thirsty and what is the Temp and RH? They look like maybe locked out?
They get enough to drink I think, feeding two times a day.
Temperature is 24.5°C/ 76.1°F
Humidity is 69%
You're probably right with the lockout. This Wedding Glue is a finicky one...
They look like maybe locked out?
Kinda looks like a lockout from the spotting on the leaves.
Any suggestion guys? Was thinking at flushing the cup with 1L of nutrient mix? MC 2-part 1000µS/cm (500ppm) and pH of 5.85.

The mix I've been using now...And this was diluted from 4 liter to 7 liter. ie, I added nutrients for 4L and added 3L more water. So I'll be mixing for 4L and dilute to 8L. Then I'll probably will end up with around 1000µS/cm'ish.

This is how she looks now @ day 49