Indoor Blueberry Skunk Auto

Blueberry Skunk D32:
Tucked a few fan leaves to get out of the way of the bud sites. She seems to be doing quite ok - no issues to report so far. One thing that surprises me a bit is that it's Day 32 and there is still no signs of flowering! This is a small batch custom strain, so don't really know how it's going to play out.

Runtz D18:
Fed her today and she seemed quite happy. She seems to be coming alone fine - will likely be topping her after the 4th node (not sure if that will happen prior to day 21 though).
If you switch to a 12-12 cycle it would probably be best to maintain it to the end...Imagine if you did it for a week and it worked so you went back to old schedule and it started revegging.....
Ah, understood. I didn't realize that autos could potentially go back to re-vegging. I just hope this isn't a photo because I have light leaking into/out of my grow cabinet, so that would become an issue.

I am thinking I will let her run like this for another week or so and then make a call to switch.
Blueberry Skunk D35:
She is literally growing like a weed with no signs of flowering yet! I will wait for a few more days before switching to a 12:12 schedule. I do have a bit of light pollution, so will have to deal with it in creative ways.

Runtz D21:
She is also coming along quite well. Lots of foliage growth at every node. I will likely top her tomorrow or day-after after node 4. I topped the Blueberry skunk after node 5 and she has been doing well (as you can see above).