Indoor Blueberry cookies

Back to hand watering tomorrow. Worked before
That looks like early flower to me. The transition point. Appears to be little pom poms everywhere? Back right plant for sure.
Do you recommend I drop the rh at this stage. I've been on around 60rh at 28°c. Last night my temps got down to around 17°
At this stage and current temperature, your humidity should be at 70% :cheers:
You should really look at the VPD, this is the combination of both temperature and humidity. Get to know this and and your plants will reward you for it ;)
I started using this chart. But after a while build a sensor that measures both variables and calculates VPD on the fly. Quite handy if you're a stoner like me...:baked:
VPD Chart.png
At this stage and current temperature, your humidity should be at 70% 

You should really look at the VPD, this is the combination of both temperature and humidity. Get to know this and and your plants will reward you for it 

I started using this chart. But after a while build a sensor that measures both variables and calculates VPD on the fly. Quite handy if you're a stoner like me...
I just purchased a humidity temp data logger. I'll increase the humidity and see what they do
So I gave the girls a hand feed today. I've upped my exhaust fan to come on at 70%. The front plant got 2 litres and the rear ones 3 litres each. Plenty of run off just to make sure. Shall wait and see what happens, probably hmgive the girls a hair cut tomorrow and remove anything out of the bottom. What do people recomend @Bob's Auto's @MesaBoogie @Del boy @DCLXVI @St. Tom @blue @N/A-Greengo
Some of them loggers also display the VPD, which is an easy way to have a quick look.
Only measure the pH of what goes in. What comes out is never accurate with coco. Measuring the incoming and outgoing EC is useful. If you measure a lower EC going out then in then you know you can add more feed. And visa versa...

Keep it up buddy! Ladies look mighty fine 👌
probably hmgive the girls a hair cut tomorrow and remove anything out of the bottom. What do people recomend
Depends on what you mean by giving a haircut. Don't go @Vapo style on them this late in the grow. Go slow...start from the bottom and work your way up.
Look for leaves that are in the shade, these ones will probably not produce enough energy and removing them will create more space for air to move. Remove small side shoots with tiné tiny flowers in the lower parts. If no light reaches them, they will produce nothing worth keeping and the energy is better spent on other nodes which are more promising.