I wouldn't add any extra Cal/Mag. Your Big Bloom already contains magnesium and Tiger Bloom has some N in it. Just keep doing what you are doing, she looks excellent at the moment. Also, you are getting a little nute burn on the tips so adding more nutrients to your solution may cause more burn if you aren't careful. It looks like you are right on the edge with pushing the nutes at the moment. That is exactly where I would want her if I am growing her.
Going back through your posts I gotta say, man you really turned this one around! Looking back a few weeks ago and seeing where that plant has came from to now. It is awesome. Great job bro!
Yeah I think she looks great to me also.:stylez rasta smoke: Just keep rocking on bro :smokebuds:
Wassup nam, i appreciate the kind words bro :smokebuds:Beautiful ladies you've got there!
Thanks tony, and yea its a little confusing cause like you said some leaves look over fed but at the same time theyre pale and hungry looking...im just not sure what theyre hungry forthey're all looking good!
the plant with the plae leaves is a puzzle. The leaf is curling downwards, suggesting some over fertilization, which is always confusing when they are pale. I wouldnt worry too much about it since the overall plant health looks OK
Thanks thugga, let me know when you do and ill go check her out :stylez rasta smoke:Loving your girsl. i have a blue mazar going in the ground as soon as i stop being lazy.
I wouldnt worry too much about it since the overall plant health looks OK
Yep, that is exactly what I was going to say. Let her ride, overall health looks good. This late in the grow you may do more damage trying to correct something.
Looks good fweedom...Hop digity