Here's what's going on under my 400w.
Both the BAM and AWW are up, so I'll call October 13 day 1. Took them out for a better shot.
I also tried some LST on my NLxBB, first time I've ever tried it.
I currently have the new sprouts about 20 inches from the 400w, temp right now is 77.4 degrees. Tryna give them a lot of lumens but I'll be sure to keep any eye on temps :Cool::coffee break:

Both the BAM and AWW are up, so I'll call October 13 day 1. Took them out for a better shot.


I also tried some LST on my NLxBB, first time I've ever tried it.

I currently have the new sprouts about 20 inches from the 400w, temp right now is 77.4 degrees. Tryna give them a lot of lumens but I'll be sure to keep any eye on temps :Cool::coffee break: