Dutch Passion Blue AutoMazar, Auto White Widow and others..

Here's what's going on under my 400w.

Both the BAM and AWW are up, so I'll call October 13 day 1. Took them out for a better shot.



I also tried some LST on my NLxBB, first time I've ever tried it.


I currently have the new sprouts about 20 inches from the 400w, temp right now is 77.4 degrees. Tryna give them a lot of lumens but I'll be sure to keep any eye on temps :Cool::coffee break:
I feel you man that's what happened to mine, did the mag deficiency get worse after the flush or improve? :smokebuds:

It improved but the damage had already been done at that stage. I'd say my yield is reduced a fair bit. A pH meter that wasn't as waterproof as it should have been has caused me a lot of trouble. Hopefully the new one I bought will have my grow back on track soon!
NP bro, I try to be clandestine. Slip in and out without anyone seeing me, then it is a surprise when you check!
Morning of day 5 for the baby Blue AutoMazar and Auto White Widow.


AWW. The new leaves coming out of this one look much different than the BAM. Almost looks like a mutation sort of..

Some notable differences are..

- The BAM is about 2 inches tall and the AWW is about 1. so the BAM is twice as tall.

-The AWW has a purple stem while the BAMs stem looks more healthy/natural. (you can kind of tell in the pics)

Its kind of weird cause the BAM is twice as tall as the AWW...But the AWW looks slightly ahead in new leaf development so im not sure if i should consider the AWW a runt or not :shrug:

what do you guys think? :smokebuds: